Tingles, cosplay, roleplays, and ASMR all for your relaxation :) Hello there YouTube! My name is Gibi - I have been watching ASMR videos by accident since I realized that some sounds and movements made me feel blissfully relaxed. I've watched the ASMR community grow into something incredible, and I decided that I wanted to hop in and be a part of it! You will see a variety of videos from me, from roleplays, to makeup, to cosplay, to original characters! I hope you very much enjoy.



Tingles, cosplay, roleplays, and ASMR all for your relaxation :) Hello there Rumble! My name is Gibi - I have been watching ASMR videos by accident since I realized that some sounds and movements made me feel blissfully relaxed. I've watched the ASMR community grow into something incredible, and I decided that I wanted to hop in and be a part of it! You will see a variety of videos from me, from roleplays, to makeup, to cosplay, to original characters! I hope you very much enjoy.

MedizinStein - Honora Zen Kloster


ZEN makes mind its foundation and no-gate its gate. Now, how do you pass through this no-gate? It is said that things coming in through the gate can never be your own treasures. What is gained from external circumstances will perish in the end. However, such a saying is already raising waves when there is no wind. It is cutting unblemished skin. As for those who try to understand through other people`s words, they are striking the moon with a stick; scratching a shoe, whereas it is the foot that itches. What concern have they with the truth? A man of determination will unflinchingly push his way straight forward, regardless of all dangers. Then even the devil cannot hinder him. Even all the holy and wise ones from the east and west would beg for their lives. If one has no determination, then it will be like catching a glimpse of a horse galloping past a window; in the twinkling of an eye it will be gone. #zen #meditation #logos



Infos rund um den Healy, seiner Anwendung und Wirkweise. 😊 Healy ist ein tragbares Mikrostrom und Frequenzgerät, mit dem du dich sehr einfach selbst behandeln kannst. Ganz egal ob bei Scherzen, Stress, Burnout oder anderen Symptomen und Krankheiten, der Healy hat für Alles das passende Programm. Dein Körpersystem wird mittels Mikrostrom und verschiedener Frequenzen bis auf Zellebene harmonisiert und gestärkt. Zudem gibt der Healy auch die passenden Impulse an dein bioenergetisches Feld und stellt damit eine fortschrittliche und ganzheitliche Methode da, dein Körpersystem wieder in seine optimale Balance zu bringen.

Trocando Gibi


Esse não é um canal Nerd. Como todo adulto que viveu a infância nos anos 80 e que brincava na rua até tarde, ainda aprecio minha leitura de HQs (Gibi). Naquela época sempre tinha o momento de conversar sobre história em quadrinhos, os conhecidos "gibis", líamos de tudo, desde Turma da Mônica e Disney até Marvel e DC e nessa resenha infantil/adolescente quase sempre rolava a famosa troca de gibis, não colecionávamos Hqs, liamos e passamos para frente, um ou outro tinha o hábito de colecionar, eu era um desses. Ainda existia outro prazer, assistir desenho animado, fosse na extinta Rede Manchete, Globo, SBT ou Band. Então esse canal é focado nesses dois hábitos antigos que ainda guardo comigo, ler gibi e assistir desenho animado. Bem vindo ao Canal TROCANDO GIBI, vamos fazer como antigamente, conversar sobre historia em quadrinhos e desenho animado. Se Inscreva, Curta e Comente. nosso Insta. Nosso Facebook:


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