Grenzenlos Leben Verified


Herzlich willkommen auf Grenzenlos Leben! Schön, dass Du hier bist. Grenzenloses Leben ist eine Lebensform, die jeder Mensch erreichen kann. Er oder sie muss nur wissen, wie grenzenloses Leben in das Leben integriert werden kann. Hierbei hilft Dir FEELution, das Angebot von Grenzenlos Leben mit dem Du die FEEL-Methode erlernen kannst. Die FEEL-Methode lehrt Dich Grenzen zu finden (F) Grenzen zu erfahren (E) Grenzen zu entfernen (E) Grenzen loszulassen (L) Komm mit auf die Reise zu Deinem grenzenlosen Leben! Sämtliche Inhalte von Grenzenlos Leben unterliegen dem Copyright. JEGLICHE Verwendung ohne vorherige Zustimmung ist verboten und wird nach dem Recht der USA verfolgt. Anfragen zu einer Lizensierung können an gerichtet werden. Grenzenlos Leben ist ein Angebot von American Expert Travel Inc., 4501 Manatee Ave W, Bradenton FL 34209

Experience Vibe Fitness


CommUNITY Inspired Fitness where Good VIBES Change Lives. Vibe Fitness is here to help you get fit and have FUN while doing it! We invite you to try our Livestream and On Demand classes FREE with unlimited access. Visit our website today to begin your trial. Classes include Cardio Dance, Athletic Cardio, Strength, Kickboxing, Barre, Core, Recovery Stretch, Foam Rolling, Fitness for kids and more! Every subscription is matched with a free subscription for a woman in need, living in a shelter or supportive housing. VIBE. FOR. ALL. Together, we can do great things! Thank you for helping us give back. Subscribe to our channel and we will keep the Good VIBES coming!

Take My Muffin


Take My Muffin is an animated satirical series for adult age group 18+. It is about startuppers and their original ideas. The action takes place in the acid-trip version of Palo Alto, where robots live next door to dragons and walking potatoes while investors pump their money into developing psychedelic boogers and cross-species genital adaptors! And that’s just the nut-crusted top of the effin’ muffin… The plot of Take My Muffin encompass multiple layers of various ideas, countless hidden messages and obscure meanings, intercrossing storylines, deep entwinements, humor and fantastic situations. The series targets audience who embraces modern technologies, who personally experienced business startups and all ups and downs that comes along, those who is aware of decentralized and crypto financial technologies, AI and neural network, and other modern tech solutions. The plot entwines real life principles of how business is really done in the world of start-ups.