تصميم الأدوية باستخدام النمذجة الجزيئية
0 Followersقناة تعليمية تتعلق بما يهم الباحثين في مجال تصميم الأدوية
0 FollowersTotalDrugDesign
0 FollowersThe quality and safety of pharmacological substances is not determined by their origin, price or cost. My works ask a question and give an answer, complement what exists and are ahead of their time. This is a world of living, independent science. Sometimes I make mistakes, but not in order to get the results I need. Download and read in the public domain: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mlz4cCuzs_9rh_cbn0C4jB9UbOQ11-aq?usp=sharing and https://independent.academia.edu/YaroslavZaitsev Contacts. nabrosovnabrosov@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/yaroslav-zaitsev-58218bb9/ +380986003302 (unfortunately, I want to add, if you consider my independent research activities illegal, you can go to court or to a doctor)