White Glove Models


Thank you for stopping by. My name is Kalan and I'm a Model Builder that for some crazy reason decided I wanted to film and showcase my builds, what's happening on my workbench, and bring you along with me on the journey. I am new to this whole Video thing, so bear with me as I learn from my mistakes, master the art of editing and try to make the channel entertaining and enjoyable for you to watch. I just recently got into airbrushing, and will be including episodes dedicated to my wins, and failures, as well as show you tips and tricks I've learned along the way. I build anything from small plastic model kits to large scale diecast and wood kits.



This channel for hunting Rabbits 🐇 by Greyhounds 🐕 ( Dogs ) if you like it please subscribe and share it with your friends and family enjoy watching 😍 ग्रेहाउंड्स 🐕 द्वारा खरगोशों के शिकार के लिए यह चैनल 🐕 (कुत्तों) यदि आप इसे पसंद करत Saluran ini untuk berburu Kelinci 🐇 oleh Anjing Greyhound 🐕 ( Anjing ) jika Anda suka silakan berlangganan Этот канал для охоты на кроликов 🐇 от Greyhounds 🐕 (Собаки), если он вам нравится, пожалуйста, Este canal para cazar conejos 🐇 de Greyhounds 🐕 (Perros) si te gusta, por favor, suscríbete y compártelo con tus amigos y familiares, disfruta viéndolo i😍 هذه القناة لصيد الأرانب 🐇 بواسطة الكلاب السلوقية 🐕 إذا أعجبتك يرجى الاشتراك ومشاركتها مع أصدقائك وعائلتك والاستمتاع بالمشاهدة