2,226 FollowersPogodne Szorty i inne materiały, których autorem jest Radek Pogoda.
Pogodne Szorty i inne materiały, których autorem jest Radek Pogoda.
Christian Bible Study And Inspiration
🪖 MISSION STATEMENT: American Patriot Steve Baldassari operates this channel standing firmly for God, Country, and Truth in an End Times world that seems to have lost its way. We true God-fearing American Patriots are willing to stand in the gap and fight for freedom. At a time where most people are making excuses to simply bend the knee and comply with tyrants and their tyranny, as God is our witness, you have our word #WeWilNotComply! 👕 MERCH STORE: For the love of ✞ God and 🇺🇸 Country, SHOP AmericanPatriotsApparel.com! If you do, be sure to use the SAVE15 discount code at checkout to save 15% on your order(s). 💰 DONATE (Locals): https://americanpatriotsgodcountry.locals.com or (PayPal): paypal.me/AmericanPatriotsApp ⬇️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⬇️ 1. Rumble - www.rumble.com/c/AmericanPatriotsforGodandCountry 2. Telegram - https://t.me/APFGAC 3. Brighteon - www.brighteon.com/channels/apfgac 4. Truth Social - https://truthsocial.com/@APFGAC 5. BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/american_patriots_for_god_and_country/ Until next time, stay American, stay Patriotic, and above all else, stay Godly... PEACE!
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Troy and Doug Talk about God, Guns and other Christian Gun Owner\'s interest. Weekly Podcast, Video, Video Reviews on Guns and products, Live events. Pull up your camp Chair watch and listen in.
Religious, Political, Christian Teaching
You were born for a time such as this. Worldwide we are living in a spiritual war of good vs evil. Videos depict how God is shinning light on TRUTH
Aktuality a zprávy z celého světa. Stránky Volný blog cz se snaží vnést světlo do témat, která ostatní často ignorují.
Jesus is King. God First. We’re dedicated to sharing research-based healing methods, backed by interviews and testimonies. We offer practical tips for daily living and work to restore our nation. We champion faith, truth, education, free speech, and community.
Biblical Explorations
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Hola Amigos. Bienvenidos a mi canal. Este canal no trata un tema en particular. Sino que abarca determinados temas cómo: Documentales, Entrevistas interesantes, tutoriales, Avances tecnológicos, Trashumanismo, Películas, Informes de actualidad y otros temas El objetivo es divulgar la verdad basados con datos y fuentes. Y que cualquier persona pueda verificar. En tiempos de tanta confusión sobre la información que circula a través de las distintos medios de comunicación. Es importante que la información sea divulgada a la opinión pública y no que sea ocultada. Después, cada uno sacará sus propias conclusiones. Muchas gracias a Todos por ver mis contenidos y los invito a suscribirse. Welcome to my channel. Hello Friends. Welcome to my channel. This channel does not deal with a particular topic. But it covers certain topics such as: Documentaries, interesting interviews, tutorials, technological advances, Transhumanism, Movies, Current reports and other topics The objective is to spread the truth based on data and sources. And that anyone can verify. In times of so much confusion about the information that circulates through the different media. It is important that the information is disclosed to the public opinion and not that it is hidden. Then everyone will draw their own conclusions. Thank you very much everyone for viewing my content and I invite you to subscribe.
Because they all told me I had no chance. Because English is not my native language, I am neither handsome nor charming, and nobody cares about what I want to say. That's why I started this channel. Because people don't want to hear about network marketing, they hate MLM and are more than happy to live from paycheck to paycheck. Inflation does not exist, companies never exploit their employees, and wages are more than enough to sustain a prosperous life. Why would anybody want to learn how to develop a business in the online marketing industry? Why would anybody start a network marketing business? The economy is booming and it's safer to rely on your job and expect the state to pay you a decent pension after that. Yes, sure... If you think you deserve a better life than your endless 9 to 5 rat race, SUBSCRIBE and learn how to start living the life you deserve.
Découvrez l\'univers poétique tendre et décalé de Blagodariov, le baladin du vivre-ensemble. Provocateurs mais consensuels, insolents mais populaires, alliant sensibilité et engagement, ses tubes gentils, homotolérants, citoyens, festifs et métissés proposent un traitement résolument ludique et joyeusement moderne des grandes thématiques contemporaines. Aussi musicales que théâtrales, ses chansons débordent de rêves, d\'amours, de rires, et d\'utopies.\r\n\r\nRetrouvez l\'intégrale de ses chefs-d\'œuvre à cette adresse : https://www.tvs24.ru/pub/members/Blagodariov/\r\n\r\nPour lire une critique honnête, intelligente et objective de son travail, c\'est par ici : https://www.infolibertaire.net/les-patriotes-sattaquent-a-la-mauvaise-herbe/\r\n\r\nNOTE IMPORTANTE : \r\n\r\nL\'espace commentaire de Blagodariov est un safe-space non-mixte où les Blanc.hes peuvent entre elleux échanger sur leur expérience de racisé.es. La présence de nos ami.es de couleur, bien qu\'enrichissante et diverse, est donc ici indésirable.
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Midwestern Sumo club located in Dayton , Ohio. Our goal is to spread the sport of Sumo throughout the midwest.
Fan account; not associated with the Infrared Media Collective
A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE on ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot, cryptids, demons, angels, psychics, magic, miracles, and other paranormal high strangeness. Why a Christian podcast about stranger things? Yes, there are many crucial topics for us to ponder and engage, such as evangelism, sanctification, outreach, and discipleship. However, there are often situations in which less important side issues sneak up from behind and bite the more important ones. Although the supernatural is just one component among many others in a biblical worldview, it's becoming increasingly evident that unbiblical paranormal beliefs are significantly altering the worldviews of our society and of many Bible-believing Christians. The pop-culture paranormal makes people question what they've believed to be true, which ultimately leads many to question the integrity of God's Word. Worldview matters, and when worldviews change, there will be tangible consequences to evangelism, discipleship, and faith in general. "God and the Paranormal" takes an in-depth look at what "experiencers" claim and how the phenomena interact with scriptural truth. See YouTube versions for pic, notes, charts,,, Website: ThinkingAboutTheBible.com Email: godandtheparanormal@gmail.com Check all our podcasts for a variety of topics like cryptids, miracles, Nephilim, ghosts, Bigfoot, biblical worldview, Heaven, Hell, dogman, Sasquatch, elementals, spiritual warfare, shadow people, black-eyed children, UFOs, UAPs, extraterrestrials, territorial spirits, hat man, Genesis 6, giants, Rephaim, Ephesians 6, moth man, rakes, skinwalkers, shape-shifters, ley lines, magic, psychics, ESP, demons, angels, pseudepigraphs, Watchers, Anunnaki, Ir, bene Elohim, sons of God, Sethite view, line of Cain, Lucifer, Satan, Eden, Yeti, DUMBs, Area 51, Jersey Devil, Wendigos, Stonehenge, Indrid Cold, Enoch, Chupacabras, Reptoids, and much more...
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