Be Prepared For Doomsday with Depression Era Style. Learn How To Cook Like A True Conservative. Most Of Our Dinner Are Cost Effective $10 Or Less For A Family Of 4. we Use Simple Stockpile Ingredients That You Should Always Have On Hand. Prepare For The Next Food Shortage Or An Economic Collapse! Don't Fear The News. Get Your Kids And Family Ready To Fend For Themselves And Not Have To Rely On The Government. ❤ Homemade With Love, Cooking At Grandma's House 🏠

The Dieter Knittel Show


Hello Friends and Welcome to Papas Bar & The Dieter Knittel Show. Here we will talk about anything your heart desires- from Daily News to World affairs, Politics, Lifestyle-Advice and anything in between. We also continue to review Beverages from around the World. Please leave comments - Questions via email KnittelDieterUSA@gmail.com I will use the comments & questions in my next Podcast If you want to support me please do it here: https://cash.app/$DieterKnittel https://www.paypal.me/DieterKnittel1989?locale.x=en_US https://venmo.com/u/Dieter-Knittel

The Reformed Dissenters


The Reformed Dissenters is a show that offers a faith-based dissenting view on politics and our modern world. We believe that God should be at the center of everything we do and that His principles are greater than all the lofty ideals of man. We want our show to be informative, thought-provoking, and above all; God-centered. As dissenters against popular ideas of government and culture, we want to provide you with the resources you need to do your own research. Ultimately, we want you, the listener, to walk away with new information and new things to study both in the word of God and the principled literature we read on the show every month. Don’t forget to send us an email and subscribe if you like the show!

The Court of the EDIJester


Polemical, Ranting, Satire and General Curmudgeonliness - Cut Yer Nonsense Buy me a coffee https://www.buymeacoffee.com/EDIJester I have a Wishlist https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/F843D1RIVM92 The Blog – https://substack.com/profile/21098635-edijester? The Warrior Teacher Programme - The Winning Mindset is teaching ordinary folk just like you how to battle the murderous ideas being peddled. It recognises that this fight is going to be a long one. Join a community of like minded folk and learn how to recognise and fight back against delusional narratives being pushed by cultists in their attempts to indoctrinate the next generation then consider becoming a Warrior Teacher, your children deserve it and the future needs you. Become part of the solution, become a Warrior Teacher http://thewinningmindset.co.uk/?page_... For our FAQ, Overview and Other Information please use the menu on the main site. For the Jesters Books: Check this out! https://amzn.eu/d/b4FNCF3



Welcome to my channel, This channel is aimed at helping individuals in getting their desired weight through keto diet. ​The custom keto diet is a brand new product that allows someone to create their very own keto diet plan based on their food preferences, daily activity levels, height, weight and target weight goals.\n​\nIt uses scientific research and proven studies to create personalised ketogenic diet plans that maximise fat burning via the correct calories and macronutrients for each individual.\n​\nThis custom meal plan service was designed to help men and women all over the world turn their lives around and take charge of their health and figure. To learn more click this link http://bit.ly/customketodietplantips

CARNIVORE DIET: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners


Hi, I’m Mike, and I’m a carnivore. I eat only meat, fish, eggs, and cheese, and I feel great. On my channel, you’ll find videos about how the carnivore diet has improved my health, fitness, and well-being. I’ll share my personal experience, scientific evidence, and practical tips on how to follow this diet and enjoy its benefits. Whether you’re curious, skeptical, or interested in trying the carnivore diet, this channel is for you. Subscribe and join me on this meaty adventure. 🥩 #carnivore #carnivorediet #meatheals

Stammtisch mit Dieter


Informationen January 8.2023 Hallo Freunde…..ich bin der Dieter, ich Lebe seid 1989 in den USA. Bin von Deutschland weggezogen, da ich dort keine Zukunft mehr gesehen hatte, ich lebte dort unter anderen in Essen, Herne, Wolfsburg, Braunschweig, Bremen, Salzgitter wo ich auch geboren wurde. Ich habe schon einen Englischen Bar Channel auf YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@DieterKnittelsBar Jedoch haben vielen Leute mich gefragt ob ich nicht einen Channel auf Deutsch machen könnte……naja hier ist er 👍!! Ich werde wie auch auf meinen Englisch Channel, werde ich hier all die Whiskeys , Vodkas und Cognac und alles das Ihr seht in meiner Bar auf Deutsch bewerten. Alles soll gemütlich und locker vom hocker hier laufen. Ich werde auch Versuchen Live streams zu machen in der Zukunft.