Camping, Hiking and Backpacking Gear reviews


Our goal is to bring you honest in depth reviews on a wide range of gear used in the outdoor recreational industry. Hiking, camping, trekking and prospecting to name a few. We depend on our gear to perform and you should too. Join us as we take a deeper look at cost to quality ratios as well as build quality, materials and features. There is a lot to discover and uncover in the recreational gear world so there is no better time to start then now! Welcome to NoCoast Outfitters on Rumble.

Burnt Out Studios


Bruce Phillips and I, Marty Rasmussen are co creators of several different stories but this page is about our first love... Shattered Time was originally written by me as a four book novel series. The story was really about creating a world for an RPG that I also wrote. Shattered Time is truly a work of Sci-fi / Fantasy. After I had written books 1 and 2 and outlined books 3 and 4 i kept thinking how visually appealing the story would be. If I could find an artist able to capture those images it would be truly amazing. I met Bruce Phillips and he is a truly fearless Illustrator. Many artists are intimidated by a story that jumps around between so many different genres but Bruce was able to transition from knights on horses to WW II fighter planes to Robotic death machines from the future. Shattered Time is a Huge project for us. There are 8 Graphic novels we are doing and each book is a 100 pages or more. Even the first book has been a challenge. We are still looking for a colorist to help bring this to life. We are using Patreon as a platform to introduce the world to Shattered Time.

Best Out Of Best


Welcome to Best Out Of Best - Your Ultimate Home Appliance Hub! At Best Out Of Best, we're your one-stop destination for all things home appliances. From our informative and engaging YouTube videos to our comprehensive articles on our website, we're committed to helping you find the perfect appliances for your home. But that's not all - our website is filled with valuable articles covering a wide range of topics related to home appliances. From buying guides and comparison articles to maintenance tips and troubleshooting advice, we have everything you need to make informed decisions and get the most out of your appliances. So whether you prefer watching videos or reading articles, Best Out Of Best is here to help you find the best of the best when it comes to home appliances.

Stoutimon Stimulations


CONTACT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES Book a FREE call: Your Ultimate Destination for Gaming Adventures! we're passionate about all things gaming. Whether you're a seasoned gamer looking for expert tips and strategies or a casual player seeking entertaining gameplay experiences, you've come to the right place. Join us as we embark on thrilling gaming adventures, in a wide range of genres. From heart-pounding action games and immersive RPGs to mind-bending puzzle adventures and nostalgic retro classics, there's something for everyone here. We're committed to providing high-quality content that entertains, informs, and inspires, helpful guides to enhance your gaming experience. Our community is passionate about gaming. So whether you're a hardcore gamer, a casual player, or somewhere in between, you're always welcome here. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss out on our latest videos.