Legal Color Commentary with Andrea Burkhart
1,304 FollowersI'm a legal color commentator. After 15 years in the courtroom trenches, mostly as a public defender, I have a lot of things to say.
I'm a legal color commentator. After 15 years in the courtroom trenches, mostly as a public defender, I have a lot of things to say.
Visit: The CIA Stargate project was a combination of decades long research which attempted to discover if telepathic abilities or remote viewing could be used to assist the military with intelligence gathering. The CIA conducted a series of training sessions in which a monitor would give a viewer a set of coordinates, and the viewer would describe to the monitor what they saw. In the year 2000, the CIA began releasing thousands of documents related to this program, including transcripts between the monitors and the viewers. In one example we see the viewer attempting to locate a Marine Lt Colonel who is presumed to be held captive. And in another example the viewer’s target is Somalian Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, the warlord who constantly smokes a cigar in Black Hawk Down. And while these are fascinating to read, they make practical sense. However, the strangest transcripts involve targets on the planet Mars. The viewers are instructed to travel back to a certain time period, specifically 1 million years BC, and report their findings. They describe a civilization of intelligence beings who are hibernating underground due to a deteriorating environment on Mars. In addition to descriptions of alleged conversations the viewers had with these extra terrestrials. They also include diagrams and drawings describing what the viewers claimed to have seen. The viewer notices tomb like structures, similar to Egyptian pyramids. They also describe the presence of above-ground water on Mars. Even stranger, it was later discovered that these Martian coordinates came from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who would later place the Curiosity rover on Mars. Website: FIGHT BACK against the FAKE NEWS with FREE access to the MOST ADVANCED VOICE SYNTHESIZER available on the market at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Join me on Discord: Join me on Locals:
Catholic Discussion
Host M D Shamburger gives meditations, explanations and commentary on the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Where I React and Review To Things On The Internet
My interests and then some
This channel contains my research presentations as well as other commentary and opinions. The contents of this channel do not represent the opinions or policies of my academic institution, but they are protected under Academic Freedom and via the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution.
news social commentary
I narrate news articles during the weekdays as well as give my commentary.
Commentary on the whole Bible
Real news and commentary without the teleprompters
Information and insight on wildlife damage management, vertebrate pest control techniques and concepts ranging from exclusion, habitat modification, repellents, toxicants, fumigants, and theory.
Multiplayer experiences are always better with friends. Focus on co-op games with a side of occasional PvP. Friends don\\\'t let friends play alone.
Tax liens can be a wonderful Investment Avenue. But, every Investment comes with Risk. Our Mission is to help the learner get and understand all the many learning tools and methods you can use to make your research process efficient and effective. Taking this course will show you in real time how to mitigate the risk of investing in lien and deed. Our program provides participants with forms, PDFs, Powerpoint, and Video Guilds.
Political news and my opinion on what is happening politically.
Comic and Manga reviews as well as some extra creative endeavors.
Christian Testimonials, Bible Scriptures, Commentary, Prophetic Voice. Preparing the Body of Christ, The Bride of Christ for the 2nd coming of Jesus. Edification, Preparation and Christian Fellowship. 2nd Generation Christian Television 📺 No weapon formed against me or this Channel shall prosper. I apply the Blood of Jesus to this Channel and every video posted on this Channel in Jesus name. Amen. Any weopon of attack directed toward me and my houshold shall not prosper. Fire of God fall on every enemy that attacks this ministry and let the fear of God fall on them. Fire of God fall on every unholy alter and burn it up in Jesus name. Amen.
The Book of Revelation commentary is about the End Times. It is specifically focuses on sharing commentary, providing deep insights and preparing the Body of Christ for the Yeshua's (Jesus') return. He coming back very soon and revival has been here for the last 2000+ years. Are the saints ready for His return?! This will include verse by verse commentary on the Book of Revelation and End Time Topics. Topics such as how to identify the signs of the End Times, who the Rider of the white horse is, what is Judgement day, what happens during the 7 year world tribulation period, who are the 2 Witnesses, who are the Nicolaitans, what and where is the Great City of Babylon, how to identify the Beast, the Mark of the Beast (666) and calculate His number. Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. In name of Yeshua, Amen!
Political commentary about social issues, political viewpoints, and other topics relative to politics.
Canal voltado a busca de informações, em tempos difíceis de censura, e conscientização de toda uma sociedade alheia a tudo que a Esquerda progressista e canalhas da sociedade fazem por trás dos bastidores da POLÍTICA.
I do commentary on current events, entertainment, and culture.
I am assisting humanity out of the old systems and learn the new quantum world we are headed for with ease and grace.
Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: EDUCATIA RELIGIOASA ȘI RĂSPUNSURI LA PROVOCĂRILE CONTEMPORANE Biserica Ortodoxă Română Americană Sfânta Treime din Los Angeles, în încercarea sa de a-și ajuta credincioșii săi, și alți Internauți interesați, ortodocși și neortodocși laolaltă, să cunoască și să aprofundeze mai mult cunoștințele lor despre credința ortodoxă si practicile sale liturgice, și a se implica, prin dialog sincer, la cautarea unor răspunsuri la întrebările privind provocările și problemele contemporane ale societății de astăzi, aproape „post-creștină”, a creat două (2) Canale, pe platforma RUMBLE, după cum urmeaza: 1). Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: 2). Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: *** 1A). In primul Canal [Educatia Religioasa] sunt abordate subieste legate de cunoasterea credinței ortodoxe prin prezentarea de interviuri și predici ale unor ierarhi ortodocși, preoților, călugărilor și diverșilor teologi, din întreaga lume, pe chestiuni și subiecte interesante, pe teme variate legate de biserică: Istoria și Învățăturile bisericilor, ]n special creștin-ortodoxe, educația religioasă, predicile, studiul biblic, școlile duminicale și retrageri spirituale, etc. 2A). In cel de al doilea Canal [Provocări Contemporate], sunt abordate, între altele, următoarele tematici: • Problemele religioase contemporane legate de religie includ secularizarea societății, ascensiunea fundamentalismului religios, relația religiei cu globalizarea și modernizarea economică, conflictele acesteia cu știința și relația sa în schimbare cu arta. • Probleme morale contemporane legate de lipsa de pace și armonie, scăderea încrederii intre oameni, creșterea criminalității și a comportamentului lipsit de etică, crimă, furt, viol, minciună și încălcarea promisiunilor, avort, eutanasie, pedeapsa capitală, moralitate sexuală, inginerie genetică, economie inegalitatea, încălzirea globală, bunăstarea și justiția socială și anihilarea unei coeziuni sociale. • Probleme etice contemporane: autonomie, binefacere, si dreptate sociala. Fiecare persoană are dreptul de a lua propriile decizii pe baza propriilor convingeri și valori. Problemele abordate mai sus, și multe altele, desigur că influențează identitatea individuală și autoritatea religioasă a Religiilor lumii; persoanele private și instotițiile civice, în ceeace privește funcționarea societății contemporane; căsătoria și familia; utilizarea timpului, a banilor și a altor resurse personale; calitatea și valoarea vieții; interpretarea binelui și răului în viețuirea colectivă; egalitate și diferență; conflict și violență, probleme globale, etc... *** Limba Română: Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: Limba Engleză: Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Challenges and Issues - Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - Disclaimer: Canalele menționate mai sus aparțin Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Americane Sfânta Treime (, o parohie sub „Mitropolia Ortodoxă Română a celor 2 Americi” ( Dacă aveți întrebări și/sau sugestii, vă rugăm să contactați administratorul acestei platforme, părintele Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:] !!! Abonați-vă la aceste canale pentru a primi actualizări viitoare și postări noi. Binecuvantari frățești, Părintele Constantin Alecse
Hey, Concept Art VL here. l will be giving you new Concept Art Tutorials every week. Get access to new project files for my Concept Art tutorials and Photoshop tutorials by becoming a member of the Concept Art VL community today. BECOME A MEMBER TODAY:
Comedy and commentary by Nationally touring nutcase/comic Bag Lady Sue
Jimmy Lakey has over 20 years of radio & television broadcast experience. His resume includes shows in multiple top media markets from Denver to Dallas, and others. Now UNLEASHED from the bonds of corporate radio, Jimmy hosts a daily news update and interviews with commentators & newsmakers.
Commentary with a patriotic perspective and independently produced breaking news coverage of government and political activities affecting Yuba County, California.
Today’s Society Contemporary Challenges and Issues Webpage: Main Themes: Contemporary religious issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art. Contemporary moral issues related to the lack of peace and harmony, decrease in trust, an increase in crime and unethical behavior, murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, sexual morality, genetic engineering, economic inequality, global warming, welfare and social justice and a breakdown of social cohesion. Contemporary Ethical issues: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Each person has the right to make its own decisions based on its own beliefs and values. The issues addressed above, and much more are influencing religious identity and authority; the personal and the private; marriage and family; influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources; the quality and value of life; questions of right and wrong; equality and difference; conflict and violence and global issues. Subscribe to this platform, and we will keep you updated with new posts. If you have questions and/or suggestions, please contact the administrator of this platform, Father Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:]
In the years that I have been around I have accomplished many amazing things and I am here to share it with you. Running real estate and electrical contracting business I am going to break down different methods and ideas for different subject as well as sit down and just have some good old conversation about what may be on my mind or questions and topics my viewers would like to talk about. Thanks for watching!
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