Commission d'enquête nationale citoyenne


Les mesures qu’ont prises les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux face à la COVID-19 au Canada sont sans précédent. Les interventions des instances publiques dans la vie des Canadiens, dans nos familles, nos entreprises et nos collectivités ont été considérables, et le demeurent encore pour une large part. En effet, les mesures en question ont affecté la santé physique et mentale, les libertés civiles et fondamentales, l’emploi et les moyens de subsistance, et le bien-être social et économique général de presque tous les Canadiens. Il y a donc lieu, en l’occurrence, d’exiger une enquête nationale exhaustive, transparente et objective dans l’optique de déterminer l’utilité et l’efficacité de ces mesures, et de tirer les leçons nécessaires pour l’avenir. Pareille enquête ne saurait être lancée ou menée de manière impartiale par nos gouvernements, puisque ce sont les mesures et interventions qu’ils ont prises face à la COVID-19 qui en constitueraient l’objet même. La Commission d’enquête nationale citoyenne (CeNC) est une initiative entièrement indépendante du gouvernement, dirigée et financée par des citoyens. Au début de 2023, la CeNC entendra le témoignage de Canadiens et d’experts, et examinera les politiques des gouvernements face à la COVID-19 de manière juste et impartiale. La CeNC a pour objet d’écouter, d’apprendre et de proposer des recommandations ; elle se propose en outre d’établir ce qui a bien fonctionné et ce qui n’a pas bien fonctionné, et de voir comment les Canadiens et nos gouvernements peuvent mieux faire en cas de crise nationale, et ce d’une façon qui tienne compte des intérêts de tous les membres de notre société.

The Great Commission Church Port Huron Michigan


The Pastor and Mrs. Allen White Jr. founded The Great Commission Church in Port Huron, Michigan on January 25, 2004. Leading the congregation with a deep Commitment to fulfill the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28: 19-20. The establishment of the church was a spiritual calling, born out of prayer, godly council, and an unwavering desire to change the lives of others. At the heart, The Great Commission Church is driven by a mission to reach the lost and offer solace to those struggling with social and addiction problems. Allen and Sue's leadership cultivated an environment of love, acceptance, and transformation, where individuals can encounter the life-changing power of God's grace. Through their ministry, countless lives were touched, healed and restored, as the church became a beacon of hope and healing in the community. The great Commission Church is located at 2524 Vanness St. Port Huron, MI 48060. Phone: (810) 966-0644

Compassionate animals


This is the official YouTube channel of Kiahsaahjr\'s Dog Revolution. On this channel, you will find scientifically accurate advance dog training for pets and working dogs. we upload videos for all dogs, breeds, puppies, and adults. Help for all behavior problems. aggression rehabilitation, confidence building, and solutions for the most difficult dogs. It looks so admazing for dog owners to have a happy and balanced relationship with their dog at home. Please do this channel a solid favor SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification icon, by doing this you will surely be the first to be notified whenever I upload a new video. Thanks for watching, please like share and drop your comments, your comments are very important on this channeا

U.S.D.OC. & The Party Of Solutionists Verified


“We the People” want to build one Less Submarine,(or something of equal value) & take that already “Funded Money”, and fund The US Department Of Compassion. This NEW Department will Manage our Borders and Immigration systems, With Compassion, Wisdom, and Love. With the help of the Party of Solutionists, We will tackle our opportunities for future technologies, and kick start many future ways of producing Food, Water, and Energy. Let’s get this ball rolling people. ! ? 1 Submarine = $17,000,000,000.00 Billion dollars,will be a great start to the many solutions to many of our current & future challenges & opportunities.

Confession Stories


🔔 Subscribe for Weekly Confessions & Pop Culture Gossip! 🔔 Welcome to "Confession Stories" - your go-to destination for juicy confessions, scandalous tales, and the latest pop culture gossip! If you're craving a mix of adult content and all things pop culture, you've come to the right place. 🎥 What to Expect: Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as we dive into the deepest, darkest secrets and share intimate stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat. From steamy confessions to jaw-dropping revelations, our channel is your guilty pleasure destination. 💋 Join the Conversation: We want to hear from you! Share your own confessions, secrets, and opinions in the comments below each video. Let's create a community where we can laugh, cry, and spill the tea together. Youtube Channel link