Hike Camp Climb Verified


Hike Camp Climb is a byproduct of my journey to find physical and mental healing after a hard-won battle with substance abuse. I turned to mountain climbing as a way of challenging myself and getting healthy again. As I started collecting gear for my first climb, I decided it would be smart to test it on flat ground first. So, I headed to the forest for my first solo winter camping trip and decided to record it while I was there. That video launched Hike Camp Climb and started me on the biggest adventure of my life! The mountains give me peace and a way to focus my energy into something positive. The goal of Hike Camp Climb is to share that peace and inspire others to get outdoors and start an adventure of their own!

Reclaiming Rest Verified


An unworthy, ordinary saint/sinner on mission to encourage his weary brothers and sisters to rest in The worthy Christ and The extraordinary Gospel. No longer aligning with pietistic Christianity (esp. the separatist fundamentalist stripe) and pre-mil dispensationalism as I (Justin) did from 2009-2020, the content of this channel chronicles [imperfect] thoughts which reflect what I'm learning on my journey into the world of reformed theology and doctrine. My journey began in March 2020 while reading "A Pilgrim's Guide to Rest," a book written by the members of OG Theocast. Categorically, I'm a reformed Baptist and affirm the 1689 London Baptist Confession. Please note that I am not a counselor, a church elder, or a pastor. book: https://www.amazon.com/Pilgrims-Guide-Rest-Theocast-ebook/dp/B07W11ZN3P confession: https://founders.org/library/1689-confession Theocast: https://www.theocast.org

Budda Slim


Welcome to OUR CHANNEL I say ours because without You there's no me! Here we don't judge, You can speak Your mind and see some entertaining video reactions. We keep it respectful in here but we ain't angels soo hold em up! I hope You enjoy our channel and become part of our #BuddaGang family! (Slowly I'm learning Polish) You can also follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/budda_slim Cooperation: buddaslim@gmail.com also go visit our website for merch also my Patreon account FOR MERCHANDISE CHECK OUT BUDDA SLIM TEESPRING MAMA SLIM MERCH CHECK OUT WWW.HOMEGIRLZCREATION.COM