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truth and Current Event
The People need a truth seeking apparatus to help protect individual freedom and fight against tyranny.
Australia / New Zealand Tyranny
Corona Tyranny
Laughter is what appears in us Many sorrows and worries of the world Laughter also appears in us all Existing negative energies When we hear a funny clip, we continue to Laughter, so we forget all our problems Or when we see a funny clip on Facebook, for example, or we watch on TV We communicate in laughter with our relatives and friends Our sisters and all members of the house The laughter that appears from our hearts Take the best laugh in existence The sweetest laugh is sincere A funny clip, very funny clips and phrases
Les mesures qu’ont prises les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux face à la COVID-19 au Canada sont sans précédent. Les interventions des instances publiques dans la vie des Canadiens, dans nos familles, nos entreprises et nos collectivités ont été considérables, et le demeurent encore pour une large part. En effet, les mesures en question ont affecté la santé physique et mentale, les libertés civiles et fondamentales, l’emploi et les moyens de subsistance, et le bien-être social et économique général de presque tous les Canadiens. Il y a donc lieu, en l’occurrence, d’exiger une enquête nationale exhaustive, transparente et objective dans l’optique de déterminer l’utilité et l’efficacité de ces mesures, et de tirer les leçons nécessaires pour l’avenir. Pareille enquête ne saurait être lancée ou menée de manière impartiale par nos gouvernements, puisque ce sont les mesures et interventions qu’ils ont prises face à la COVID-19 qui en constitueraient l’objet même. La Commission d’enquête nationale citoyenne (CeNC) est une initiative entièrement indépendante du gouvernement, dirigée et financée par des citoyens. Au début de 2023, la CeNC entendra le témoignage de Canadiens et d’experts, et examinera les politiques des gouvernements face à la COVID-19 de manière juste et impartiale. La CeNC a pour objet d’écouter, d’apprendre et de proposer des recommandations ; elle se propose en outre d’établir ce qui a bien fonctionné et ce qui n’a pas bien fonctionné, et de voir comment les Canadiens et nos gouvernements peuvent mieux faire en cas de crise nationale, et ce d’une façon qui tienne compte des intérêts de tous les membres de notre société.
In this event R. Jonathan Rietti, Dr. Ryan Cole, R. Michoel Green, R. Daniel Green and R. Smith speak about fighting against the evil of the covid vaccine mandates and the dangers facing us.
Fight New World Order
TipToe To Tyranny is a series by Award Winning Independent Filmmaker, Chris Harrigan, that begins pre-pandemic and takes the viewer all the way to Ottawa with the Canadian Freedom Convoy and covers everything in between. From mandates to lockdowns, along with the people pushing back, this filmmaker found himself in the middle of all of it, every step of the way. This documentary serves as an hommage to The Highwire and all the parents who fought vaccine mandates, in particular for school attendance. Chris Harrigan is a Producer/Director/Writer form Eastern Canada, with a background in Cinematography and Post Production. After over 20 years in the mainstream, having worked on hundreds of productions for Broadcasters such as; Discovery Channel, Documentary Channel, HBO, FOX, ABC, VICE, CBC, CTV, The Trailer Park Boys, and many more, he felt a sense of urgency in the world, that led him to leave his career in the mainstream to pursue his heart's interest in getting the truth out about our current situation. TipToe To Tyranny part 1: First Steps, explores the world situation just prior to what the WHO called the Covid-19 Pandemic. We examine the narratives and mechanics that had already been put in place by governments, big tech and world corporations. Run Time (aprox 1hr, 18mins) Featuring: Del Bigtree (The Highwire) Jeff Berwick (The Dollar Vigilante) Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) Dr. Bob Sears Dr. James Lyons-Weiler. Meryl Nass (Plandemic 2: Indoctrination) Dr. Dena Churchill It's time to connect the dots. It's time for all to see. Are we all in this together, or is it The TipToe To Tyranny
Waking up America, one view at a time...
News analysis and coverage of important data and information regarding where the law, police powers of the state, and your individual liberties intersect.
Des informations indépendantes, factuelles et contextualisées, réalisées par une agence de Presse citoyenne. Retrouvons liberté et pluralité de l'information face aux grandes agences de presse.épêches-Citoyennes-109648508301291
Patriot Fighting for Freedom Against the Globalist and Tyranny! LIKE SHARE SUBSCRIBE
They say if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. I love yelling at videos showing constitution-trampling pinko cops and government officials. So I'm putting my heart into it. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching!
Updates on crimes against humanity
We are showing the other side of the story from a Christian view point. As we grow with the FQTNews and FQTNetwork as a Faith based Network.
Radio Show
In the world today there are many people who want to keep you fearful and dumb. They want you to be limited. We however, want you to learn ways to be the best version of you. We want you to be more courageous, powerful, productive and smarter than ever. That's why we built this channel.
This is a channel about Pet Funny interesting Videos
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