Union Hill Church of Christ
56 FollowersThis Channel will supply Bible Study lessons and Recorded worship services of the Union Hill Church of Christ
This Channel will supply Bible Study lessons and Recorded worship services of the Union Hill Church of Christ
Sunday morning services
The Springhill church of Christ is a group of Christians committed to following just the Bible in all that we say and do. Our goal is to be a local church like those found in the pages of the New Testament. Our collective worship and work reflect this focus. Our weekly uploads are Bible lesson presented by the Springhill church of Christ Evangelists. We invite you to study the Bible with us. Like those found in the pages of the New Testament the Springhill church is completely independent of all other churches. We would love for you to join us for worship. If you have any questions about what we do or concerns about whether we are following the New Testament, we sincerely encourage you to contact us. Mike Hughes on Social Media: △ http://www.mikealrhughes.com △ https://twitter.com/@mikeal_hughes △ https://instagram.com/macmikeal △ https://www.snapchat.com/add/macmikeal △ https://www.facebook.com/macmikeal △ Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-933671110 △ Rumble - rumble.com/user/SPHchurch All Business Inquiries use my contact: macmikeal@me.com Program inquire – sphcofc@gmail.com
Randolph Church of Christ
Worship Services, Sermons, Devotionals and Messages from the Oak Hill Church of Christ in Escondido, California
The best place to find out how to up your productivity in getting souls saved and learning Truth as revealed by God through the scriptures in the blessing of the church of Christ.
The Gospel is for all, be that in person or online. may you glean from these words of wisdom and become a better person.
For God. For us. For them. We boldly stand on God's word alone and take up our cross daily. Relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to actively make disciples who make disciples in Christ. Founded in 1972 when a group of 78 people met in a home to have worship. 50 years later Faith continues to be firmly planted on the Word of God with a mission of Grow, Serve, Lead. Grow in our relationship with God and others, Serve our Lord and others by sharing Christ's love, Lead others to Christ by the way we live our own lives.
This is a channel that is about turning to The Word and changing the world.
Sermons from Sunday morning
Worship Services of the Mauldin church of Christ, meeting at 4 Gillin Dr., Simpsonville, SC 29680
Video feed of sermons taught at the Lincoln Park Church of Christ in Lincoln Park, Michigan.
Greetings Brothers and Sisters, Fathers and Mothers. This is the Church of Christ Digital Ministry, where we examine the scriptures and follow pattern of the early Christian Church found in the new testament. This is brother Sidney Offin from Cumbernauld Church of Christ in Scotland, UK.
Video feed of Bible classes taught at the Lincoln Park Church of Christ in Lincoln Park, Michigan.
Videos from Ladies Day, presented by the Ladies of the Mauldin church of Christ, meeting at 4 Gillin Dr., Simpsonville SC 29680
This is the Church of Christ Shallotte Congretation's content. Here you'll find our services from Sundays and Wednesday nights.
We provide 15 Second Bible readings, classes, and worship services to those who need to hear the word.
We remain strongly committed to the Restoration Plea to "Speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent." Such is a plea to abandon the man-made churches, names, creeds and teachings that are unauthorized by the New Testament. It is a plea for unity in Christ and His one true church. We are dedicated to the church's threefold work of evangelism, edification, and benevolence (Matthew 28: 18-20; Galatians 6: 1 0; James 1 :27). We are committed to the gospel plan of salvation for a lost and dying world, including faith in Christ as Lord and Savior, repentance of all sins, the good confession, immersion in water (baptism) for the remission of sins, and faithfulness to Christ (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10; Revelations 2:10). We invite YOU to join us in this greatest of all works. In all things, may God receive the glory!
Revival Church of Christ
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