I Check Your Soul


Welcome to I Check Your Soul, the website that specializes in spiritual facts and provides Soul Reports and other Spiritual Services. I’m Gary Peter Carlson the sole administrator and writer, and the inventor of the Soul Score and the Karma Footprint. I am a one man show. I have a really good constant contact with 5th through 9th density beings (Guides), and my guardian angel, by the use of a pendulum, I am a dowser. All the facts, (some I learn elsewhere), presented here are got from, and / or verified that way. I have mastered dowsing in my own way and have formed relationships with higher positive entities. My professional gambling skills (30+ years) of reading others’ feelings, calculating, and intuition, have helped me immensely in getting many spiritual facts about our reality and evaluating them. I cannot do everything with the pendulum that others do, and they may not be able to do what I do. There are many different dowsing skills. I am good at using it to check souls, finding out how the universe works, and other related activities. I cannot use dowsing to spell things out or predict the future as I have tried.

Manon Chevalier Vidéo (MCV)


MCV est une chaîne qui a pour but d'informer le public sur des sujets qui sont éludés par les médias grand public. Avertissement : Ces vidéos contiennent des matériaux protégés par le droit d'auteur utilisés en vertu des dispositions de l'utilisation équitable conformément à la Loi sur le droit d'auteur du Canada. Le matériel est inclus à des fins de critique, revue, commentaire et éducation. Tous les droits relatifs au contenu original appartiennent à leurs propriétaires respectifs, et aucune violation n'est intentionnelle. Disclaimer: These videos contain copyrighted materials that are used under the provisions of fair dealing as outlined in the Copyright Act of Canada. The material is included for purposes of criticism, review, commentary, and education. All rights to the original content remain with their respective owners, and no infringement is intended.