Life In Bamboo - Thailand


Hi everyone, welcome to our YouTube channel, we are a loving family that live in Bamboo Huts in Rural Thailand. Damo (me), Ryan (my husband), and Otis (Our Son) spend our days taking care of the land and the animals and enjoying each others company. ​ We have opted for a simpler lifestyle, and living in "The Now". On the vlog we will show you what it is like to live in Rural Thailand, details on plants we grow on our land, and most importantly our honest and authentic selves, the good, the bad and the ugly.

WTF is up?


Welcome mother fuckers, to the place where you can let out your frustrations and rants about the most trivial things with no fear of judgment. A fiery lil fucking lady and featuring her friends, are your go-to for venting about life's smallest annoyances. Whether it's a dumb friend or family member, a rude simpleton, or the never-ending run around of life, nothing is too petty to rant about on this show. With unfiltered discussions and a devil-may-care mentality, each episode strives to be a hilarious and cathartic journey. So sit back, relax, vent, and laugh about surviving life's minor aggravations.