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The Rick Castellano Show


Rick began his acting career in Rochester, NY where he performed in many television commercials and print ad spots. He also played several extra roles in the films Hide in Plain Sight and The Natural. He was a graduate of the Kim Kahana Hollywood Stunt School and excelled in the sport of body building. With the help of his friend and mentor professional body builder Danny Padilla, Rick won many competitions. When a bicep injury ended his body building career, Rick turned back to acting. He became the co-host of an independent, Rochester based reality show called Life Without Shame. The controversial show was a ratings hit with Rick's off beat and comedic character. It was this wise cracking character that was the inspiration for Sergeant Castellano in the film Demons at the Door. Demons at the Door marked Rick's first starring role in a feature film.

Dunk Dynasty

1 Follower

Dunk Dynasty, la esencia del baloncesto, ante tus ojos. El equipo de periodistas deportivos de DD les da la bienvenida a todos los fanáticos de la NBA que quieren un poco más. Gracias al análisis de estadísticas avanzadas, nuestros vídeos pretenden revelar, informar y entretener. A todos aquellos seguidores de la mejor liga del mundo que quieren conocer más de ella les invitamos a suscribirse. Aquí siempre encontrarás nuevas historias, datos curiosos y revelaciones de todos los jugadores, desde los más famosos, hasta los jugadores ‘underdogs’. También estamos en TikTok, donde nos encuentras como @dunkdynasty23 Para comunicarse con el equipo puedes escribirnos a nuestro correo electrónico Dunk.Dynasty1@gmail.com