Bravo Company USA / MFG Verified


Bravo Company started in the garage of a veteran United States Marine in Hartland Wisconsin, in 2003. Founded to support the needs of Private Security Professionals working in theaters where durable mil-spec components for their weapon systems were not readily available, BCM (Bravo Company MFG, Inc.) builds life saving tools manufactured, reinforced and tested to meet the unforgiving needs of professional Soldiers, Law Enforcement and responsible citizens in some of the most high threat environments in the world. Employee Owned.

Kitchen Bravo


Welcome to our kitchen Bravo Channel! Where we are True Food Lovers and we love to show our friends and family how to make their favorite foods and how to cook the best dishes! ✅ SUBSCRIBE: WATCH NEXT ► Popular Videos: FOLLOW US: ►FACEBOOK: ►TWITTER: ►INSTAGRAM: ►PINTEREST: ABOUT KITCHEN BRAVO: We are Kitchen Bravo, and this is our Youtube channel - welcome to our world of cooking! If you love food (assuming that is why you are here) that’s big in flavor and fast and easy… then you’ve definitely come to the right place. Watch our videos for easy to make recipes and Kitchen Bravo basics! Our goal is to show you how fun, rewarding and delicious Cooking at home can be! -- Please SUBSCRIBE and enable notifications to see our NEW EPISODES! For instant updates check out the links below and FOLLOW us on social media where you can stay up to date on new episodes and what's going on in the Kitchen Bravo kitchen! #kitchenbravo

UMBRAVOOX by Job Vasquez


UMBRAVOOX es el nombre de mi banda de rock y lleva un significado profundo. Es una combinación de dos conceptos poderosos: "Umbra": la sombra, lo oculto y lo que llevamos dentro. "Vox": la voz, lo que emerge para expresar lo que muchos no se atreven a decir. Además, es un acrónimo que refleja nuestra esencia: Universe Mysteries Beyond Reason And Voices Of Oblivion and eXistence. Somos una mezcla de luz y oscuridad, razón y locura, llevando nuestra música a los límites de lo humano. 🌌🎸