Brass & Iron


This channel started out as "life adventures captured from my phone". Things have changed since 2018. This channel is now dedicated to spreading the real news and telling the truth about everything. I support the Q movement and have attended 5 rallies since our election was stolen on November 3rd. I have met Shelley Luther, Stuart Rhodes, Marjorie Taylor Green, Brian Kemp, Kandiss Taylor, and Allen West. In 72 BC, the Roman slave Spartacus conquered the Italian city of Thurii and his men asked him what spoils he wanted. After two years of defying the Roman Army, he said "All I want is brass and iron." He would use these metals to forge combat weapons and continue fighting the Roman Legions. I have always been inspired by this story named my channel after it. Shhh...a lot of people don't know that.

Kiwi News brought to you by grass root Humans world wide


Stay up-to-date with the latest headlines and stories that matter to all around the world, trying to shine light over hypocrisy, under reported or unreported news. I endeavor to report what I and others around the world want. FACTS and facts should always be covered in full not from one point of view. I will become more formal and have proper audio from yours truly once I have the gear. My intention is to have you make your own minds up regarding content and data I welcome all opinion's and evidence that I will always try to cover because its all important as everyone should have a voice and opinion regardless of how fickle and baseless it might be. I will endevor to also start interviewing the sources where available, cross section any data with open mind I am not here to tell you want to think but I am here to tell you to think and apply autonomy of thought. Contribution is the best source of community and unity. when I am proven incorrect I will always create content to correct any news presented or add data provided as revised stories. No one will receive fluffing and I take very all knowledge seriously. I was inspired by those who have moved to a platform or forum not restricting freedoms.

Videos Renee Branson

1 Follower

Renee Branson (Jg 1973) begann in ihren Teenagerjahren freiwillig in Sonntagschulklassen, Jugendtreffen etc. zu unterrichten und zu predigen. Sie hat inzwischen in über 30 Ländern in Europa, dem Fernen Osten, Indien, Afrika, Nord- und Südamerika, Australien usw. gedient. Sie ist Gründerin von "Mountain Top Ministries", einem Dienst, der in den letzten Jahren über 1/2 Million Dollar in die Mission investiert hat. Wir möchten noch erwähnen, dass Renee Branson außer englisch auch französisch und spanisch spricht und auch in diesen Sprachen dient.

My Trombone, Didgeridoo & Brass Channel


My name is Peter Chase Wetherill and My Trombone, Didgeridoo & Brass Channel will contain how-to, tips, techniques, performances, interviews, and improvisation videos, as well as travel and life in Portugal videos. I was born in LA but I have lived and traveled all over the world as a professional trombonist and band leader of many different groups. I have performed with my own groups as well as with legends such as Ray Charles. I am fluent in many styles from pop, rock, jazz, traditional, and classical music. I am now sharing my knowledge with you with my many varied videos with playlists concerning specific subjects. I post videos on a regular basis so if you subscribe you will be notified whenever I post a new video. I am also available for private video lessons and will have promotions for introductory lessons.