Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.


The mission of Teshuvah Ministries is to do what Rabbi Ye'shua commanded, "Go to them (the Scattered) and help them do all that I commissioned them to do." Our goal is to teach the Larger Story we were born into; what it means for women and men to repent; the power of the ezer kenegdo; what the Narrow Path is and how to be a royal priest who delights in Yah's ways. We promote a complete picture of the Family in Heaven (Father, Mother, Son); a simple understanding of the Melchizedek Priesthood and we strive to remove the chaos-making to show that the path to the Happily-Ever-After is simple and doable thanks to the work of Ye'shua. We used to be Christians, but have become Hebrews by leaving pagan traditions and man-made religion to obey YHVH Elohim, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through His Son, Ye'shua. We are His disciples – specifically we call ourselves "Brit-Torah-Observant Believers." See our website for more of our beliefs.

Cortes guarda chuva [OFICIAL]


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The Shulamite Podcast


The Shulamite Podcast is about discovering God anew together in Body life. Episodes are surprisingly real, refreshingly unfiltered. We\\\'re real people, in real life, with a very real God. Our topics flow from living this actual life as we follow where the Spirit leads. As you listen, you will feel more like you’re hanging out with us than listening to a sermon. These messages are not scripted but flow organically. Sit down with Martha Kilpatrick and John Enslow as they discuss many topics related to deepening our walk and pursuit of Jesus Christ. These podcasts are intended to encourage, empower & free believers unto the Lord. So go grab a cuppa & join the fellowship. We pray you experience anointed messages, giving not just another method but a living impartation.