Alex Becker's Channel


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The World’s #1 Hub For CG/VFX Entertainment! We are relentless curators of the most inspirational and insightful examples in Computer Graphics Imagery from around the world: Featuring Indie Short films, Behind the Scenes/Making of VFX, Motion Graphic Design, Show Reels, Tutorials and More... Your INSPIRATION is 100% Guaranteed! Would you like to have your work put in front of millions of people, including the movers-shakers in the CGI/VFX production fields? TheCGBros are always looking to showcase the best and latest in exceptional independent & student Animation, Films & Reels from every area of Computer Generated Imagery & beyond. If your video hits the high bar, why not submit it for consideration? (Min resolution is HD 720P) WANT TO GET FEATURED? Submit Your Video Here -► TheCGBros ©