Backyard Chickens For Beginners


It is vital to take care of your chickens with proper food and clean water and revived them consistently. Business layer pellets give a fair wellspring of the right supplements. Kitchen scraps can likewise be given to chickens to enhance their eating regimen. Try not to give them chocolate, onions, and garlic as these can here and there cause medical issues. Utilize a chicken feeder that is vermin-and-wild-bird-verification to keep them from eating the chicken feed and tainting it.

Bent Over Backwards


Thanks for checking out my channel. Bent Over Backwards! My content will vary from reflecting on day to day events on my rural property, the thoughts that pop into my head, to tutorials on developing applications using my favourite programming languages. My interest extend from current affairs here in Australia to travel destinations in asia. I'm not the typical millenial vlogger so there's that :D As the channel name suggests - I will endevour to please all audience tastes, so if you have any suggestions, or topics that you would like me to discuss, please leave comments or send me a message. As I have a wide range of interests expect the unexpected. For me developing this channel is as much an exercise in self-discovery, and assessing my limits, as it is about trying to entertain and inform others about my skills and areas of personal interest. I do not have a standard release schedule - so please subscribe so you don't miss anything. This should be fun.