The Antique Nomad


I wander across North America—buying, selling, appraising and collecting antiques and vintage items. My journeys take me to antique malls, shows, estate sales & auctions. I enjoy sharing my passion for the objects and recollections of yesteryear. Join me as I travel coast-to-coast, scouring the countryside for interesting places to buy and sell cool old stuff. I might be at an antique show one week, digging through an estate the next, setting up a retail display or showing off the latest's a fun life, and I hope you'll subscribe and come along! I've found an amazing, warm, fun group of people among the community of collectors, resellers and decorators who make up this crazy antique and vintage collecting world. My desire is to extend those great experiences and fun to all of you who subscribe!

Santiago Gamer


Fala galera, SanTiago Gamer com vocês! Fiz esse Canal voltado para gameplays, notícias, informação, reviews de series e filmes de nosso universo gamer, e dicas de jogos mobile e PC! SanTiago Gamer: Amante de jogos, mangás, quadrinhos, animes, filmes, series, tokusatsu, noventista declarado, um véio nerd geek kkk Então já se inscreve ai pra não perder nenhum vídeo ;). Discord: E-MAIL PROFISSIONAL- INSTAGRAM- #hhrXxi5i #sanntiagogamer #santiago gamer #sanntiago gamer #SanTiagoGamer SanTiago Gamer SanTiago Gamer: Criador de conteúdo de jogos mobile e pc (computador). @PrimeGaming ​​ @Epic Games @Indie Gala

Kendrick Machine Shop - Verified


Machining/welding/fabrication/heat treating/machinery repair My name is Logan Kendrick, I am located in central Kentucky. This is my YouTube channel dedicated to my machining business; primarily antique vise replacement parts. I also do repair work, welding/fabrication and mechanic work. I have some background in electrical work as well. All of my products, services and competed works can be seen over at Thank you for watching and I hope you enjoy! Kendrick Machine Shop, LLC

Atlantian Advisors


Educational information on investing. Send a message to to join our email list for free updates. I offer consulting calls at $95/hour. Email to book a time. All our content - and the ideas contained therein - remain our intellectual property. You may reproduce ideas contained in our content provided that you clearly and prominently cite "Atlantian Advisors (". Note : our website is under construction and currently redirects to this page. Disclaimer: No content on this channel is tax, legal, or financial advice. We are not liable for any action you take based on our content.