NN Buy me a coffee: MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE... I dont have the ability to speak GODs WORD as MFATW can do.. I do have the ability to echo/rePOST this WORD to as many as OUR FATHER allows.. (All Active URL links are located at the bottom of this page) FYI: This is NOT MIKE from COT..Youtube channel... (Mike knows & allows NN to Re-broadcast his works ) NN created all Artwork including every video Thumbnail. NN = Nomadic Nation on Social Platforms: Youtube, Rumble, Twitter, Gab... NN video start Times are (6pm (MST) Zone, & 9-10pm ish, Thursdays), NN Search is: @nnation You Dont need a Paypal acct to donate using PayPal website.. PayPal accepts all non-member DEBIT/CREDIT payment methods. NN Donation Linked below - Thanks for the LOVE.. COT Website: Linked below.. Scroll to bottom for links ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL YOU BE SAVED!! ..

Exploring Artifacts and Anomalies on Mars


Many people think they see things in the Mars Rover Images. Some anomalies retain some of their mystery but defy irrefutable proof. Everyone wants to know the history of Mars, and everyone wants to see what is actually there now. This channel will share astounding anomalies that will inflame your curiosity and amuse your sensibilities. Nothing is more important to the survival of the human species than space exploration and technology. We hope you enjoy speculating about these anomalies and that it inspires you to support your countries space programs. Galactic Sleuth has not visited Mars and makes no guarantees of any kind regarding the identity of any anomalies presented. Our only claim is that these are official photos and the anomalies have not been artificially inserted.

One man, one song, one guitar, many towns


I am Rob, I currently travel the world with my wife Hannah. I pick up guitars wherever I can find them and play songs I like! After over a decade as a professional musician in the UK, Hannah and I left everything behind in Jan 2022 and have no plans to return home. My hope with this channel is to preserve some random songs and places as well as maybe to connect with a few musically like minded individuals around the world. Thanks for tuning in.