Rob Almasi


I’m a 23 year old entrepreneur with a degree in business/finance. I've been involved in the stock market, investing, day trading, swing trading, and making money online since I was 18. I want to help others by letting them know how I manage my money, what things worked for me and what things didn’t. My video portfolio encompasses trading and investing ideas, stock market updates, as well as general lessons I’ve learned about money management. If you enjoy my content, and want to learn about growing your wealth, feel free to subscribe to my channel. Disclaimer: The content in any of my YouTube videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, financial advice, or other & may be outdated or inaccurate; it is your responsibility to verify all information. I am not a financial advisor, and the content I create is for entertainment purposes only.

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth!


Rock 'n' Roll for your soul! The Coolest Links In The Universe! The Rock Almighty Shaker of Heaven and Earth! The show that will change your mind about God's purpose for Rock n' Roll (Yep it's that serious) Loud Screaming Guitars Thunderous Drums Long-Haired Jesus Freaks Preaching The Word In Song Coming To Your Ears Soon! THE ROCK ALMIGHTY Shaker Of Heaven and Earth Launching Soon With your humble but loud host, (not a theologian, bible scholar, or worldly ordained priest, but serving the high priest, the real Soul 'Brothu' #1 Jesus Christ) Nate Lewis



Premium член: Вече и Патреон: Имейли от мен: -=Инвестиране=- eToro е платформа с множество активи, която предлага както инвестиране в акции и крипто активи, така и търговия с CFD. Моля, обърнете внимание, че CFD са сложни инструменти и идват с висок риск от бърза загуба на пари поради ливъридж. 67% от сметките на инвеститори на дребно губят пари, когато търгуват CFD с този доставчик. Трябва да помислите дали разбирате как работят CFD и дали можете да си позволите да поемете високия риск от загуба на парите си. Инвестирай в Акции с Еторо: Изкуството на YouTube:курс *Разяснение за отговорност: *Афилиейт разяснение: Хапче В Душата Official е част от партньорска мрежа и получават обезщетение за изпращане на трафик към партньорски сайтове без допълнителен разход за вас. Хапче В Душата Official препоръчва само продукти и услуги в които наистина вярва и/или ползва лично.

50 Word Short Stories ... Almost Poetry But Not Really Verified


50 Word Short Stories …. Almost Poetry But Not Really …. It’s A Collectible Anthology Of Non-Fiction & Fictional Autobiographical Biographical Tellings, Stories, Jokes, Poems, One-liners, Short Stories, Definitions, Urban Dictionary Definitions, How To, Manual Descriptions, Violent War Stories, Horror Stories, Marriage Stories, Divorce Stories, Kids Stories But Not Stories For Kids, Parenting Stories, Death Stories, Struggling Through Loss Of Loved Ones, Personal Illness And Loss Of Income … And Of Course Love Stories That Involve Romance And Graphic Scenes Of Physical Love Making … And It’s Dedicate To You!\n\nThese stories and more are authored by Michael J. PENNEY ... Follow him here on Rumble at

Cooking Easy Recipes


Hello my name is Eva, I love to cook simple and delicious recipes, quick recipes, meat dishes, salads, fish dishes, vegan dishes, and cheap meals. I prepare all the recipes for my family. I have no culinary education, but I love to cook and I have no rules in the kitchen. Here I share my recipes, try new ones and experiment with old ones. I am sharing with you only proven delicious recipes. ATTENTION ! INCLUDE subtitles for yourself. All videos on the «This is Tasty» channel with descriptions and recipes in your own language will be translated with the help of a Google translator. Subscribe if you enjoy creating in the kitchen too! Don't forget to turn on new video notifications so you don't miss any new videos. Thanks for the comments and likes! I am very glad that you are with me!