Levan Gudadze-Opinion Verified


Greetings. This channel is completely independent, based in Russia and exists solely thanks to the support of subscribers. If you are interested in basic information about the host of this channel, that is, about me, I can answer. I am Levan Gudadze, the founder and host of this channel. Citizen of Russia, however born in Georgia during the USSR. Graduate of Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Journalism. I worked in the media for more than two decades, mainly in news agencies. Currently I am completely focused on my own projects. To support the channel - https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/LGOnetwork Join me on Patreon - http://patreon.com/levangudadzeopinion To support the channel via Boosty - https://boosty.to/lgopinion Crypto Support BTC - Bitcoin: bc1qv95xzwk6sh4shxndmqm2anpkvum0w32ekljnwr LTC - Litecoin: ltc1qys30yxfmds4ns7dffjwsrnefgfzc9xxapua4fe ETH - Ethereum: 0x7aA2afcB73aBc202566E674D7Ca7F6B7845cDE62

Elevated Nature Sounds


Welcome to Elevated Nature Sounds Channel What is a sound frequency? Sound frequency refers to the rate of vibration of sound waves per unit of time, measured in hertz (Hz). These waves are created by the movement of an object, such as a guitar string or a vocal cord, which causes pressure changes in the surrounding air. These changes in pressure travel through the air as sound waves, which we hear as sound. The frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch. Low frequencies produce low-pitched sounds, such as a bass guitar or a rumbling thunderstorm, while high frequencies produce high-pitched sounds, such as a bird's chirp or a whistle. Our brain and body respond to sound frequencies in various ways. For example, low-frequency sounds can induce feelings of relaxation and calmness, while high-frequency sounds can create a sense of alertness and focus. Certain frequencies have also been shown to have therapeutic effects on the body, such as reducing anxiety and promoting healing.

Wissen Ist Relevant


WIR versteht sich als ein Kanal, dem es darum geht neben der wissenschaftlichen Analyse, vor allem konkrete Lösungen zu den verschiedensten Themen aufzuzeigen. In simplen Worten, die jeder Mensch versteht und damit umsetzen kann. WIR glaubt an den Wandel, denn WIR denkt positiv und weiß, dass der Glaube Berge versetzen kann. Voraussetzung für die Wende in eine allumfassende Nachhaltigkeit, eine enkelfreundliche, aufrichtige Politik ist, dass jeder von uns beginnt zu handeln und sich als Teil eines globalen Teams versteht. Bildung ist der Schlüssel. Fangen WIR an.

The Joel Evan Show


Welcome to "The Joel Evan Show" (formerly "The Hacked Life"), where we focus on people doing disruptive things in their industry, whether it be health, wellness, mindset, or mastery. Having been influenced by so many alternative health practitioners doing disruptive things that most people were unaware of, Joel felt the need to share these ideas with a larger audience. Joel is a health coach and life coach, who works with high performers get to the root cause of their health issues, whether it's gut health, heavy toxic metals, parasites, or even weight loss. Joel is also a parent to two young boys. This podcast is all about becoming 1% better each day. What if you got an idea from a guest that completely changed the way you thought about something, or changed a relationship with a significant other, or got you out of a health crisis you were suffering in? What would that be worth to you? That's what this podcast is about.

Elevating Humanity to Higher Consciousness


The time is NOW and we must RISE UP together! Awaken light warriors, starseeds, indigos, wanderers... and JOIN ME as we plant the seeds of truth. We need to expose the truth, and it's essential for all to understand HOW to find the real Truth. Everyone needs to know how to research it, seek it out, and use your own power to discern for YOURSELF what is and is NOT Truth. Real Truth does not waiver, it is something we know in our hearts and bodies, and we feel it in the fabric of our beings. We just KNOW when you drown out the distractions and deceitful information being pushed in our faces and shoved down our throats. It's time to get back to this innate knowing that we humans ALL have-- our intuition. You do not need to spoon-feed Truth. Wa are One. This is the Ultimate Divine Truth.