The Awakener Podcast


We do it all - opinion, news, comedy, satire, facts, history. This is the Podcast of "The Awakener" from podcast is based on my personal opinion on how the world you live in runs. It is my belief that there is a secret evil global agenda that seeks to enslave humanity, and usher in unelected, one world, totalitarian government. This is based under a United Nations Agenda and called a "New World Order." This evil scheme has been generations in the making, and humanity is awakening to its reality like never before seen. The politicians around the world that work for this global UN Agenda are labelled by many as "the Globalists." On this podcast we track them, discuss their plans, and dissect the news to keep everyone up to date on what they are up to. We also host a weekly Q or Qanon discussion. This details the Great Awakening and the fight against this evil global agenda by patriots worldwide. Visit my website where you can subscribe elsewhere!