Skip Heitzig


Skip Heitzig ministers to over 15,000 people as senior pastor of Calvary Church in Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry including a nationwide half-hour radio program, Connect with Skip Heitzig. He is the author of several books including Bloodline, You Can Understand the Book of Revelation, and The Bible from 30,000 Feet. He has also published over two dozen booklets in the Lifestyle series, covering aspects of Christian living. He serves on several boards, including Samaritan\'s Purse and Harvest. Skip and his wife, Lenya, and son and daughter-in-law, Nathan and Janaé, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Skip and Lenya are the proud grandparents of Seth Nathaniel and Kaydence Joy.

The Neighbors Kitchen


tl;dr version: where passion ‘meats’ purpose Short story: long, my name is Danny and I am a home cook. I am not professionally trained or anything, and I am here to prove to you that you do not need to be either. Years ago I learned how to cook out of necessity and over the years it became a passion. On this channel we’re going to go through all sorts of recipes, use all sorts of different devices, share tips and tricks with each other, and have all sorts of fun! I have found having a cooking community to be useful along the way, and basically this is a place for that. One of the few things that every one of us has in common is we gotta eat, so let’s join passion and purpose right here on Rumble! Please consider following me and make sure to comment about what you want to see, suggestions, and constructive criticism in the comments section.

Sailing adventures of Psycho Skipper


With over 27,000 Nautical miles of experience and 1,700 sea days and nights on the water. We are now providing skippered charters and yacht deliveries. I am an RYA Skipper and ICC International Competent Captain, currently working on my RYA, Yacht Master with a Commercial endorsement for a 200 ton vessel. I am an Open Water Certified diver and completed various CYA & Canadian Power and Sail Squadron certifications which include Power/Sailboat handling, Seamanship Sail, Piloting/charting, CYA Coastal Navigation, GPS Navigation and Extended Offshore Cruising.

From the Desk of John Torell


John S. Torell is founder and president of European-American Evangelistic Crusades, Inc., which was incorporated in the state of California as a nonprofit religious organization in 1972. EAEC is a mission organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world, with headquarters in Sacramento, California. Born in Sweden in 1939. He entered an Engineering College at Jonkoping, Sweden where he graduated in 1963 with a B.S. degree in mechanical engineering. During his second year in college he married his wife, Aina (i-na). Soon after graduation, they immigrated to the United States. They were sponsored by John's Uncle's family who were Mormons and hoped John and Aina would also join the Mormon church, but God had other plans. In May of 1965, watching a television special, they each came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Lord led them to a small Southern Baptist Church where they became members and were baptized in water by immersion. For the next three and a half years they were grounded in the Bible, taught Sunday School classes and learned about visitation and general church administration. God called John and Aina into full time ministry to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ on April 16, 1967. John received his Masters of Divinity Degree from Golden Gate Seminary in 1973. They each experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit, John, after attending a Full Gospel Business Meeting. While still in seminary, John and Aina took an evangelistic crusade team to Europe, with particular emphasis on the Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Finland. During the next twelve years, eight preaching trips were made. God commissioned John to write a series of Bible study books, which he completed in the 1970's and also translated into Swedish and sold in the Scandinavian countries. They are called, Christian Dynamics, Course 1, 2, 3 and 4, and The Rise of Antichrist, Part 1. From 1975-1977, John served as pastor for Christian Life Center in Lodi, California and from 1978-1984; he served as pastor for Christian Life Ministries in Carmichael, California. In 1986, the Lord spoke to John while he and his wife were in an airliner over Texas and told him to go to Sacramento, California, and begin another church and call it Resurrection Life of Jesus Church. RLJC is located in the Sacramento area. The Lord is prospering and giving the increase. Revival and awakening have already begun.

Gail’s Kitchen & Garden


Bringing you recipes and tips for better and more consistent results in the kitchen. Breads and Baked Goods are my specialties. I try to edit my video length to 1/3 of the time that it takes me to make a recipe, so that you will know the actual hands-on preparation time. Please support me by giving a thumbs up and following my channel. Support means a lot to creators and provides encouragement to continue producing quality content. You may also find my entire collection of videos @gailskitchen on YouTube. Thank you for supporting my channel!