

HRSR (Human homo-sapiens Race Survival Resistance) Blog Site: MeWe website: Brighteon video site: Gab website: Christians fighting to warn humans that one-fifth (20.8%) of earth's populace has already been replaced by the returned dead disembodied demon spirits of the nephilim aliens and chimera aliens in cloned human hybrid avatar bodies made from MILAB alien-abducted Illuminati Luciferian New Age "alien contactee" necromancy spirit guide channeling Wicca witches' eggs/sperms/DNAs (nephilim aliens are the "star seed children" of the returned Watcher fallen angel devil spirits of Satan Lucifer's ancient Atlantis NWO Noah's days). It is a repeat of the Noah's days Atlantis Illuminati NWO.

Charles Lawson - Temple Baptist Church


The purpose of this channel was to help with the temporary audio issues present in the previous recordings of the sermons and Sunday school lessons at Temple Baptist Church. This Church has done so much to bring my family closer to Jesus Christ. I can't thank them enough. I suppose I should also say, I don't live near Temple Baptist and, though I'd love to, don't go to this Church. I get these videos from Temple Baptist's website - through a few different methods depending on if the individual video has been uploaded or the full stream. -update- though there are still some occasional audio glitches on the source videos, it looks like they have the low audio/single channel problem sorted out. I'm keeping this channel up because I've found I very much enjoy sharing it.