Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe


Te presentamos las principales noticias, informes profundos y veraces del mundo. En el programa Al Descubierto con Elina Villafañe, y el equipo de reporteros investigan temas que otros medios de comunicación pasan por alto o evitan. Nos dedicamos a buscar la verdad, basando todo lo que decimos en hechos para evitar que el público esté mal informado y sea engañado. Una sociedad bien informada es la piedra angular de una democracia floreciente. En nuestra sala de redacción y en nuestros reportajes, nos comprometemos a ser honestos, respetuosos y compasivos. The Epoch Times es un retorno al periodismo auténtico y tradicional.



Hi, I'm a video creator with a passion for capturing the wild world of great apes. I’ve been sharing my journey on YouTube, where I’ve had the incredible honour of reaching one million subscribers. It’s been an amazing experience, and I’m grateful to everyone who’s been part of this adventure. My work focuses on filming the lives of great apes, including Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Orangutans. These majestic creatures have so much to teach us, and I’m dedicated to showcasing their behaviour, social dynamics, and natural habitats.

TPP productions - UK Drill Music, UK Hip-Hop & Instrumentals


Welcome to my Drill Music Channel! Here, I dive into the heart of UK drill with original songs, hard-hitting beats, and powerful instrumentals that capture the intensity and rhythm of the genre. From deep basslines to intricate flows, I craft tracks that showcase the raw energy and lyrical complexity that drill fans love. Whether you’re here for intense beats or thought-provoking lyrics, join me as we push drill music forward with creativity and authenticity!