Wenger Todd's Watchshop


Hi! I’m Todd, "Wenger Todd." Join me for watch reviews, repair tips, and commentary! On Wenger Todd\\\'s Watch Shop, you will find watch reviews, product reviews, commentary, and an entire "How-To" line of videos for the beginning watch enthusiast. I\\\'ve been head-long into the watch hobby, and am enjoying sharing my experiences with you. I primarily review watches in the $75-$500 range, so if you have any recommendations, please comment in one of my videos! ***Subscribe to see more Watch Reviews, Product Reviews, Commentary, and How-To Videos on your feed! I upload at least once a week!

DT64Rf Bregenz-VeeZeeTV 1-ARCHIV


DT64Rundfunk Bregenz-VeeZeeTV 1 gehört zum DT64Rundfunk Bregenz welcher seit FR.01.01.1993 aus der ABWICKLUNG des Berliner Funkhauses Nalepastraße sich durch neuhinzu gekommene ehrenamtliche Personen NEU begründet hat.Durch die Abschaltung aller Mittelwellen-Langwellen-Kurzwellen-Frequenzen in Deutschland am Do.31.12.2015 wurden alle Aktivitäten nebst Produktion , Mitarbeiter , ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiter , eigener Sendeturm mit seinen eigenen FM-AM-LW-KW-Frequenzen etc. und der Hauptstitz von Neuses(b.Kronach) ab FR.01.05.2015 nach BREGENZ verlegt und die Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland(ARD) zum Do.31.12.2015 ERSATZLOS BEENDET.

American Regenerative Farming Education & Research


Dear Friends and Supporters, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Smoky Inferno, a startup on a mission to educate the public about the food they consume every day. Our unique blend of BBQ hub and interactive learning experiences aims to tackle the crucial problems facing America today. Our planet is in desperate need of protection, and the future of our food supply is at risk. Soil degradation, toxic substances in our food, and the loss of millions of bees are only a few of the major challenges we face. That's why Smoky Inferno is launching to take action now!

Home of Mind-Body-Spirit Wellness Verified


https://bit.ly/zengenusa Cultivate Calm & Inner Strength: Welcome to ZenGen! ZenGen: Your gateway to holistic wellness and a life of balance, harmony, and empowerment. Explore the powerful connection between mind, body, and spirit with ZenGen. We share practical tools, insightful discussions, and guided practices to cultivate inner peace, strengthen resilience, and thrive in all aspects of your life. Expect videos featuring: Mindfulness & Meditation: Learn techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce stress. Yoga & Movement: Discover practices to enhance your physical well-being and connect with your body. Holistic Wellness: Explore topics like healthy eating, sleep optimization, and emotional intelligence. Expert Interviews: Gain valuable insights from leading figures in the wellness field. Guided Practices: Immerse yourself in relaxing meditations, gentle yoga flows, and other self-care rituals. Looking to deepen your exploration? Visit our website, ZenGen USA, for a treasure trove of resources and in-depth articles on mind-body-spirit wellness. Ready to embark on your ZenGen journey? Subscribe to this channel, hit the notification bell, and unlock your full potential! https://zengenusa.com

Wholesome Pastures Regenerative Family Farm


Regenerative Family Farm located in Ontario, Canada. Integrating rotational crops, grazing, trees, cover crops and silvopasture. We raise beef, sheep and lamb, chickens, eggs and more. We rotationally or strip graze our livestock and ensure soil health is a top priority. We do not use tillage and focus on naturally minimizing erosion, parasites and pests. Come along with us as we shift a historically conventional farm into a regenerative biodiverse booming ecosystem from clay! www.wholesomepastures.ca

The Mouseion - The Professor Wingert Podcast


Michael Wingert is the dean of Agora University's Holy Transfiguration College and professor of semitics, scripture, and Near Eastern languages and cultures. Dr. Wingert’s research focuses on ancient medicine, Semitic scriptural literature, the linguistic and philological background to Semitic languages in contact with neighboring speech communities, Northwest Semitic epigraphy, the philosophy of language, and ancient Near Eastern religions. This channel supports videos of his podcasts as well as lectures from his classes and invited talks. Visit his newsletter at Substack (https://profmwingert.substack.com). If you benefit from any of the material presented on this channel, consider making a monthly or one time tax-deductible donation to Agora University: https://agora.ac/donations/support-us/

Regen Ryan Rap Videos


New website: www.regenryan.com I am a regenerative renegade by day & a conscious rapper by night. With the rise of Regenerative Farming & BioGeometry, the future is bright! Childhood & Adolescence trauma paired with poor lifestyle choices caused 15 severe chest pains per day in my early 20s (It felt like a knife piercing in my chest). In 2014, I turned to Mother Earth for healing and began a whole foods diet. This led to an obsession with farming and energy healing. In 2021, Regenerative Ryan was born. I sent shockwaves through Chicago with a 15-minute Toastmasters speech, “Eating USDA Organic is NOT Enough” and a 10-minute presentation “It’s NOT the COW, it’s the HOW” This led to the formation of One Living System our non-profit focused on co-creating a neural mycelial network among the regenerative farming community: www.regenourfuture.org I am an eternal soul here to let go of all my identities to exchange love and light with other ancient souls. How about you?