Mr. Charuto


A ideia do canal Mr. Charuto eh compartilhar informacoes sobre charutos nao-cubanos e detalhes de minha experiencia como fumante aqui nos Estados Unidos. Isso eh feito de forma independente - sem fazer uso de patrocinios de qualquer especie - com o suporte da Mr. Charuto Loja (para encontra-la basta fzer uma procura no Google) A participacao de todos os inscritos sugerindo topicos, comentando os videos e mesmo criticando eh um aspecto determinante do sucesso do projeto.

Naruto And High School DXD Fanfics and AMV


a channel where you can find naruto High School DXD and some video games Fanfics in audio books format alot are hard to find fanfics or some i have made into supercut from other people as to enjoy them in long format instead of watching a bunch of parts some of the fanfics are from dead channels or were token down i have edited them so there not the same as when they were first uploaded so there different from first uploaded so enjoy these copies of them there are alot of ones i made as well so enjoy all fanfics you find here also i post a few AMVs and GMVs enjoy the content