Be Prepared For Doomsday with Depression Era Style. Learn How To Cook Like A True Conservative. Most Of Our Dinner Are Cost Effective $10 Or Less For A Family Of 4. we Use Simple Stockpile Ingredients That You Should Always Have On Hand. Prepare For The Next Food Shortage Or An Economic Collapse! Don't Fear The News. Get Your Kids And Family Ready To Fend For Themselves And Not Have To Rely On The Government. ❤ Homemade With Love, Cooking At Grandma's House 🏠

COS-Florida State Webinars


Who We Are Our country needs us. It's the way our Founders designed our nation to work—the American Creed, a government of the people, by the people, for the people. COS volunteers are passionate patriots who love our country and work daily to fight off the demoralizers, destabilizers, and disruptors. While we tend to be a conservative group, due to our founding and endorsers, our solution is 100% nonpartisan and we welcome all colleagues, regardless of politics. Our mission is to build an engaged army of self-governing grassroots activists and this means teaching each other how to engage with local politics where our voices are loudest and have the greatest impact on day-to-day life.