Johnson Vu


Hey, my name is Johnson Vu, I'm a 17 year old just trying to navigate through this turbulent path in my life. This channel is like a journal to me, to document my routine, thoughts, and the progress along my journey in the Online Entrepreneurship space. I wish there was more to say, but really I have only just started. Right now I'm looking for you all to just get to know me, I can't monetize anything but I can sure as hell build an engaging entrepreneurial community with you all.


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😘 Hello and welcome! ______________________ 🍰 I am a self-taught cook, a food blogger and the author of the project "Deja Vu". I live in Belarus. There is very little pay for work here. So I decided to turn my passion for cooking into a career! For me, the most pleasant part of cooking any dish is to share it, so I started a blog to bring what I cook to all of you. Enjoy my relaxing cooking video and support me by subscribing! ______________________ 🍔 Don't know what to cook for your next meal? I'm here to help! Quick, delicious and healthy recipes for the whole family. ______________________ 🍕 Cooking, baking, how it's done, all the food and much more! So you can skip a trip to restaurant and prepare a sumptuous spread for your loved ones with get wide range of International recipes. ______________________ 🍳 The World On Your Plate!

le ciel vu de la terre

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Selon une théorie, un chemtrail [kemtrel] est une trainée blanche dans le ciel ressemblant à une trainée de condensation. Contrairement à cette dernière, elle serait constituée de produits chimiques, encore appelés aérosols, et non de vapeur d'eau laissée par les réacteurs des avions. Le nom lui-même est un néologisme construit par la contraction de l'anglais chemical trail, soit « trainée de produits chimiques », sur le modèle de et par opposition avec contrail - contraction de condensation trail. Cette théorie est communément reprise par les tenants de la théorie du complot.