Guitar Stroke Recovery


I love playing guitar and during COVID I suffered a “Stroke”. This unexpected stroke affected the whole right-side of my body, in other words, zero movement; this was a very scary experience. Slowly movement is returning through therapy, extreme hard work, staying very positive, hopeful and many prayers; still healing through the grace of God! After some time has gone by, I started have a strong desire to start playing guitar again. My fret hand is fine, the challenging issue is my picking and strumming right hand, at which I call the engine. So, I accepted this personal challenge to start playing guitar again. I decided to make a weekly video library to document my progress. Please follow me on my journey and I hope this adventure encourages others to do the same. God Bless!

Treatment of Fractures and Strokes

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Her medical moment stole the public's attention. A number of residents seemed to witness the treatment process. The middle-aged woman named Ida Dayak's mother (Ida Andriani) comes from the land of Borneo, is known to use a special oil from the Dayak tribe known as "Minyak Bintang". The traditional oil that has been made for generations is indeed believed to have extraordinary properties. It used to be used by the Dayak people to treat wounds caused by war. Bintang oil is also called supernatural oil because it is effective in treating serious injuries including broken bones, crushed bones and stab wounds. The hospitality of Ida Dayak's mother, with God's permission, makes patients satisfied with the results of her treatment, apart from being free of charge/free, then refuses gifts from customers who have successfully recovered. Ida Dayak's mother also often jokes with her patients. Even a number of patients being treated were often invited to joke. In addition, Ida Andriani's appearance attracted attention. Many accessories decorate from head to toe, these accessories are the hallmark of the Dayak tribe. Always be healthy Mother, may Allah always repay your kindness and sincerity from your tiredness.