Mike Odyssey


Let's become the Greatest Nintendo Community on the Planet 🌍 I'm Mike Odyssey, A Nintendo fan whose life's passion is people, and I'm on a mission to make the most FUN and USEFUL Nintendo videos on the Planet! 🙏 Family Friendly Nintendo-related News, Reviews & Goodies for you to enjoy! I love to dream, inspire, speculate, and look at all of the possibilities in life! Collaborations/Business: Only paid collaborations are accepted during Nov-Dec. Send us an email with details, including budget. Fan Mail or Review Products: 7965 State Rte 50 1000 #142 Groveland, FL 34736 #NintendoChannel #Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #NintendoSwitchOLED #NintendoSwitchLite #FamilyOriented #nintendodirect #Switch2 #NintendoSwitch2 #unboxing #nintendoswitch2 #nintendoswitch



The "Turd-Yssey" series is a humorous and imaginative narrative following the adventures of Charlie, a man who experiences bizarre time-travel episodes during his bathroom breaks. Each episode presents a unique and whimsical journey through different historical periods, from the Stone Age to the Salem witch trials, all triggered by Charlie's unpredictable digestive system. The series blends comedy, historical settings, and absurd situations, creating a lighthearted and entertaining saga about the unlikely hero's escapades across time, driven by his quirky bodily functions.