MTNTOUGH Fitness Lab


MTNTOUGH is the #1 Fitness App for hunters, mountain and tactical athletes. Built in Montana by hunters & military SOF. MTNTOUGH believes that mental toughness is just as important as physical strength and that the strongest muscle in the human body is the one between your ears. With a coaching staff comprised of former Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and renowned physical trainers—the workouts aren’t easy. The goal is to prepare our customers for both the unthinkable and the everyday—to have the mental capacity and physical stamina to self-rescue in an emergency, or grind through a 12-hour workday and still play with the kids after dinner. At MTNTOUGH we believes the best way to harden the mind is by reaching and exceeding physical boundaries, by taking challenges once considered impossible and making them attainable and repeatable. Excel under load in the mountains at high altitude. Become a more effective hunter, operator, and or a better more mentally tough individual. Download the App and start your mental toughness-focused fitness journey today.

La Pilule Rouge


Le monde est en train de changer, qu'on le veuille ou non! La question est... de quel côté? Le Mal, le Bien? Je lance cette chaîne de Réveil, pour apporter ma propre vision des choses, sans prétention, sans autres buts que d'informer. Je laisse les commentaires ouverts tant que ceux ci ne sont pas déplacés ou haineux :-) Si après cette première vidéo, les retours sont positifs et qu'il y a une demande, alors je m'activerai à en réaliser d'autres :-) KIT ENERGETIQUE 👉 MON BLOG 👉 ⚠️ Je ne monétise pas ma chaîne. Si vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail (qui me prend un temps de dingue), vous pouvez le faire sur ce lien toute aide est la bienvenue, 2€, 5€ c'est comme vous voulez 😉 merci à vous

Acupressure, Hijama, Sujok & Massage Therapy | Natural Healing"


"Welcome to Healing Touch Therapy! Our channel is dedicated to natural healing methods, including Acupressure, Hijama, Sujok Therapy, and Body Massage. Learn how these therapies can help with pain relief, stress management, and overall well-being. Subscribe now for expert guidance on holistic health and alternative medicine!" #Acupressure #Hijama #SujokTherapy #BodyMassage #PainRelief #HealingTouch #NaturalTherapy #AlternativeMedicine #Reflexology #HealthTips

Clyde Rouge Ambient and Meditation


Meditation music with a difference. This channel is a place to showcase the deeper and more meditative side of my work. After many years of making music for the dancefloor I found myself experimenting with binaural beats and meditation music. I found that much of the meditation music available online was very loop based and repetitive, I set out to create something different. Originally these tracks were for my own personal use when I needed to relax or get into a creative headpsace. I've since discovered that they can help others and so now I'm sharing them on YouTube. There are many arguments over the effectiveness of binaural beats and I'm not here to convince people one way or the other. All I know if that they work for me, maybe they can work for you too.