

I've struggled through life's ups and downs. I want to use the knowledge I've gained through the various mistakes and victories I've had throughout the years to help people reach their full potential as I believe the worst crime you can commit upon yourself is ignoring your potential, good luck! For a bit of extra background, I've been in love 4 times, I've been an alcoholic, I've worked every 9 - 5 job you can imagine, I've tried many business ideas, I've been heartbroken, I've been depressed/anxious, I've been happy, I've been sad, I've been ok, I've traveled, I've lost people, I've made money, I've lost money. I have a lot to work with, if I can help even one person I'll be happy. Dr Nobody x

Somebody Cares America/International Verified


The Somebody Cares mission is to let people know that Somebody Cares. Because Jesus cares, we the Church care. As a result, through grassroots efforts, communities are being transformed and the Church is uniting. This is unity with a purpose. We mobilize Christians into evangelism, thereby transforming communities. We seek to identify ministries that empower people to reach their full potential and become all that God envisioned when He created them. By standing side by side with our neighbors, we help them reclaim their community. We do not take over or do for others what they can do for themselves. Rather, we empower them so that they can do for themselves. Together, we are advancing the Gospel and building the Kingdom of God through compassion. None of this would have significant Kingdom impact without a constant commitment to personal integrity, family intimacy, and unified church interactions. Together, we glorify God better! Impact the four corners of the world with Somebody Cares! Donate Now! EMAIL SIGN UP

. a picture in words of somebody/something or of something that happened किसी व्‍यक्ति, वस्‍तु या घटना का शब्‍दचित्र The man gave the police a detailed description of the burglar.


. a picture in words of somebody/something or of something that happened किसी व्‍यक्ति, वस्‍तु या घटना का शब्‍दचित्र The man gave the police a detailed description of the burglar.