Get Lit with Christa Elisha Verified


Christa is the founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries, Lit Revolution, the Revival Rooms and W.I.L.D. (Walk In Love Demonstrated) Equipping. She is a vibrant apostolic revivalist that burns with passionate devotion to Jesus. She carries a strong anointing to invite others into the ecstatic bliss of knowing Christ for who he truly is: The only one who satisfies every need for every soul. It is out of this intimacy that Christa has been commissioned by God to baptize a generation in Holy Fire so that the bride of Christ arises in purity and power to shake the gates, destroy hell and radiate the splendor of the risen King bringing glory to the Father. Christa walks in signs and wonders and prays that revival fire is sparked in each person she touches as her heart cries “On earth as it is in heaven!”

Get Ready To Laugh w/ K-von


Get Ready To Laugh-\\n\\nComedian K-von (Netflix, TEDxTalks, Last Comic Standing) has been seen on TV & touring around the world. \\n\\nHe\\\'s not afraid to tackle any topic and his comedy ranges from family friendly to anything goes. \\n\\nThere are 3 ways to support his work:\\n\\n1. Join Patreon @KvonComedy \\n\\n2. Make a small donation on \\n\\n3. Share his videos here and on his social media pages: facebook + youtube = KvonComedy\\n\\nNow buckle up and prepare to watch over 400 videos!

Jim Peters At Night Verified


Popular podcaster JIM PETERS has moved to video: JIM PETERS AT NIGHT is broadcast LIVE Monday thru Thursday at 11 PM Eastern / 8 PM Pacific right here on Rumble and simultaneously on six other popular platforms. Jim is known for conservative news analysis and for his crackpot UFO theories - which all seem to be proving true, BTW - as well as for talking about whatever is on his mind, from life in Northeast Minneapolis to what Norah O'Donnell wore that night. He has on really interesting big-name guests and, in a talk show first, he takes VIDEO phone calls from you, the public. Go to on how to call in and for more info.

Ultimate Tech Hub Verified


Ultimate Tech Hub is here to help you better understand Technology and Tech Products. We created this channel to provide easy to understand content that educates all levels of individuals who love technology. We love to make videos that are lighthearted and with some fun stuff too. (Bloopers and Jokes) We create product reviews, step-by-step computer build guides, and a variety of other tech-focused projects. Tech can be complicated so we try to make it very easy! We hope you enjoy technology as much as we do and as this channel grows we expect to get some viewer feedback. Please let us know what you would like to see in my upcoming videos because we want you to be apart of the Ultimate Tech Hub team. And if you have any technology questions or networking questions feel free to ask. We are always available for a quick reply. We will be posting videos every week. Subscribe now, and join #Ultimate Tech Hub we are here to serve you!