Star Ranger


In May 2023, on a Sunday, youtube had decided that I was no longer to be in existence because of my music videos. Labeling them as a threat to some unknown and apparently psycho community. I had my channel there for decades. Never bothered anyone, and just did my own thing. But the evil of youtube wants to interfere and steal more elections. Although my videos have nothing to do with any of that, it was my music remixes and imagery that made me a target of their terroristic tactics. So here I have the collection of some of my best productions. They are not in chronological order here.

StarSeeds of Freedom!


Claiming freedom in a world designed to enslave you. Interviews & discussions with fascinating people on what freedom means and how to find it for yourself. See Carrington's music videos on YouTube: Stream Carrington's music on Spotify: Find Carrington on X: @lunadewdrop Donate to StarSeeds, a humanitarian project:

Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone


Welcome to my channel Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone This is going to be an intro video on what my channel is all about I'm telling you now your going to want to subscribe because i am going to be dropping great content Hit the subscribe button right now Why is the channel Called Torn Curtain? Hebrews 9 tells us that in the temple a veil separated the Holy of Holies which was the earthly dwelling place of God’s presence from the rest of the temple where men dwelt in the Old testament Error. The high priest was only allowed in that space one time a year to make atonement for the sins of the people. He had to put a rope around his leg in case he died while in their because if anyone else but the high priesr went in they would die Matthew 27:50 Tell us when Jesus died on the Cross the curtain of the hollies of hollies was torn in two. This shows that there is no longer a barrier separating God and man because of Jesus death on the cross and now we have direct access to God the father through Jesus death on the cross Torn curtain is a traveling teaching ministry which goal is to bring Reformation, Revival, and Renewal of the church of Jesus Christ What I will cover? Current Events Politics & The church Church History + Theology Discipleship -which is how to grow in your relationship with God and man End Times Inner Healing & Deliverance The gifts of the Holy Spirit I will do this in different formats: Preaching, teachings, testimonies, interviews and other videos I will also cover ministries I have been associated with which include Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, Desert Streams Ministries which includes Living Waters and Cross Current, and Orbis School of Ministry run by Ken Fish. So let me tell you a little bit about myself: Joshua Simone has a degree in Applied Psychology from NYU and attended seminary at Bethel University and ORU Universities. I also took several courses with Streams Ministries started by John Paul Jackson and now run by John Thomas. I am currently studying at the Orbis School of Ministry, run by Ken Fish Josh spent several years in full time ministry as a youth pastor, which I also did college ministry and helped plant a church on Long Island which is now one of the fastest growing churches in America. For the last decade I have attended New Life Fellowship Church in NYC home of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship which is in 600 churches and 30 nations working directly under Pete Scazzero teaching the material. I was also involved with the leadership of several other ministries including: youth ministry, singles ministry, Inner Healing & Deliverance, The Prayer Alter Team, and Lead Cross Current a ministry to help heal sexual brokenness. I was also a deacon at that church. Recently I left New Life Fellowship to begin the process of planting my own church & house of prayer in NYC and to establish a traveling teaching ministry YouTube Channel:



Welcome to Not My STAR WARS, where we talk about Disney, Disney Plus, and of course, STAR WARS. Dedicated to exposing the destruction of Luke Skywalker and STAR WARS by Disney. Disney has the resources and ability to respect the story and canon of the greatest film franchise in history, yet has chosen to disregard STAR WARS lore and fans. We grew up with Disney and STAR WARS and loved them both, but Disney has blatantly insulted the fans and made a mockery of George Lucas. We are here to: 1) Remind everyone what STAR WARS is/was. 2) Call out Disney for ALL of their disrespect. 3) Share our stories and experiences of/with STAR WARS. 4) Show Disney that STAR WARS fans are not to be taken lightly. 5) Celebrate everything STAR WARS before October 30, 2012. 6) Unite TRUE STAR WARS fans. 7) Provide a New Hope. May the Force be with you, always!

Relaxing Music 432 Hz by Stellas Starseeds


Hello beautiful soul! You can find here my music and videos, which I produce myself. I love peaceful and relaxing music and beautiful nature videos, also fantasy and abstract forms and shapes! I create my music in Logic Pro and my videos in Premiere Pro. Effects are made with After Effects and Plotaverse. You can subscribe to my channel here or follow me on Instagram for more inspirational content or follow me on Spotify to listen to my music (also as "Stellas Starseeds" on many other platforms) Find your inner peace and be happy!

Last Century POP Stars ( ALL ELO & ABBA MUSIC VIDEOS )


Welcome to Last Century POP Stars When do you become legendary as an artist, king or queen of pop, music royalty or even a rock god? At Last Century All Stars we establish this with collections from arguably all the best musicians and bands of the 70s, 80s & 90s. Starting with ALL the music videos of the Jeff Lynne universe and ELO and ABBA uploading as we speak. Last Century Music Videos is the home of popular music, featuring iconic music videos from the greatest music legends of all time. I welcome you to join the ever expanding Last Century Music Channels for your Entertainment -> - Music Videos ( POP ) ---> Pop music from the 30s, 40s ,50s, 60s, 70s, 80,s & 90's = -- POP Concerts ( GIG ) ---> Concert music videos and live gigs of many genres on Rumble = --- POP Stars ( ALL ) ---> Great music video collections from arguably all the best musicians = ----- Strange Stuff ( ODD ) ---> Exciting odd stuff you might never have seen except on Rumble = Please share and follow these channels and help making Last Century Music the biggest Rumble music video spot ALL over the World.

Star Citizen Game


I'm streaming Star Citizen , I mostly play without commentary, but you can ask me questions, I'll be happy to answer you all. Hello and thank you for visiting and watching my channel, if you want to enter the game, use my SC code when registering, which will add 5000aUEC of game currency, see the link below. , and as a bonus to everyone who registers and subsequently purchases the #StarCitizen game package, I will donate another 50,000 aUEC to their account! Star Citizen isn't out yet, but it's still being played by thousands of people around the world. It is still in development and we are early access testers. It can be you too!

Star by Star Verified


Great crackling laser fire, thank you for checking out my Rumble channel and homemade game, "Star by Star." In-game, players assume command of an interstellar faction and compete to conquer or liberate a sector of space. Here, scifi-enthusiasts can witness their favorite factions in head to head matchups. Now sit back, relax and watch the greatest conflicts of the multiverse playout in under 2 1/2 minutes. #andromeda, #battlestargalactica, #babylon5, #darkmatter, #firefly, #halo, #spaceaboveandbeyond, #startrek, #starwars, #stargate