Speak English podcast with teacher Georgiana


Hi! I’m Georgiana, founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com My mission is to help you to speak English fluently and with confidence. Why is this podcast so different from any other program? With the Speak English Podcast: - you'll master English by listening and speaking without having to memorize any grammar rules. - You're going to acquire knowledge about the English culture and the language itself. - And most importantly, you'll discover valuable tips and tricks on how to speak English fluently. If there's something you can't understand, don't worry about it! Listen to each episode as many times as you need. You can read the TEXT at: SpeakEnglishPodcast.com Don't miss out on any of my Speak English podcast episodes. Every week there's a new episode. Start practicing your English listening and speaking skills with the Speak English podcast.

Prophet, Pastor & Teacher Verified


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Miss Teacher |English As A Second Language Teacher


Improve your English with proven results in 3 weeks time. Sing your way to English fluency with our 3 week online English lessons. Have fun, increase your English, and measure your progress. Participate in our soon launching community where you can participate in community chats, receive lesson study guides, puzzles, and ad-free video lessons. Subscribe to receive new lessons as they are available and to be updated on the launch of the community.

Online Quran Teacher


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