The Bible for NOT Dummies


Hello and welcome to the Bible For NOT Dummies, because if you’re interested in the Bible, you’re not a dummy! On this channel, I’ll be exploring the question, “So what’s the Bible all about anyway?” Each episode of the Bible For NOT Dummies will look at an aspect of the Bible as a whole or focus on a particular book of the Bible. My hope is that you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll learn something new, be affirmed in what you know, and ultimately know Jesus better. I hope you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll consider being a part of this community and subscribe to the channel. God Bless You! Sincerely, Mark Assi

Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram:


Welcome back to another vid! Today we're playing the LTM Dummies Big Day in Apex Legends. Let me know how you guys feel about this game mode and leave a like if you enjoyed the video! Love yall:) Follow my instagram:

Open Summit


O mundo está cada vez mais Open, a transformação cada vez mais rápida, e para acompanhar este movimento é preciso conteúdo. #openSummit Evento semestral, uma semana de conteúdo on-line com palestrantes e debates relevantes sobre Open Banking, o futuro do sistema financeiro, o universo de Open Insurance e o mercado segurador. #openNews Notícias do ecossistema do Open Finance, PIX, Open Banking, Fintechs, Startups, Bigtechs, Insurtechs, regulações e eventos e outros tópicos relacionados ao mercado financeiro digital. #openTalks Entrevistas com profissionais relevantes do mercado, explorando a trajetória e os desafios enfrentados durante a sua carreira, e sua visão sobre determinados assuntos. #openExperiences Diálogos relevantes do mercado, compartilhando experiências explorando oportunidade e desafios de negócios.