Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight—Republican Majority Verified


The footage in this video is from a west-facing camera at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. This camera footage is the first of many the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight will be posting exclusively on Rumble. Certain clips throughout the day will appear blurred during specific times when USCP personnel manually zoomed in the camera. The blurring effect was added by the Subcommittee before publishing where a private citizen's face becomes recognizable. This is to protect the identity of private citizens from doxing. Additionally, the time stamp for each individual clip is included in the title.

LionHeart Protection Strategies


LionHeart is a world-class team of professional security experts with a calling to provide the best possible security support and comprehensive training available. Highly trained to handle a full spectrum of security consulting in a variety of locations, our team has a passion to provide the most effective security assistance and training in the nation. Our approach is to work with our clients to assess their current security situation and threats, develop a balanced and effective program to address any concerns, and provide the planning, training, and support to meet their need. We know you need results from your security program, and we can provide them. Security experts with operational experience from the Secret Service, Homeland Security, the Armed Forces, the Customs Service, and Private Industry, as well as local police officers with specialized and SWAT expertise comprise the most effective and professional security team available.

Relationship Strategies


Ideas and strategies for happy and healthy relationships. Dating advice for both men and women from multiple viewpoints. Stay mentally healthy and physically fit while finding and maintaining your path in life. We discuss problems with dating and relationships but also provide solutions to fixing these issues. DISCLAIMER: This channel does not promote hate of any person based upon their gender or relationship status. The goal of this channel is to promote healthy choices for men and women in lifestyles, finances, and in relationships.

MicrosTrader: Learn to Scalp ES MES Futures


▶️ Our Core Strategy Explained: ▶️ $50 "Mini-Membership": ▶️ Zoom Pass: Emini Trading Room & Trading Academy 📣 🆆🅷🅾 🅰🅼 🅸 Lean in and listen to me... I will be candid and frank with you. I am NO "Guru"... nor do I claim to have invented ANYTHING. I combined several techniques together, made a few tweaks and adjustments for ES.. and viola.. the Core Strategy was born! I am professional full time MES Micro Futures Trader who leads other futures traders through the price action DAILY on ZOOM. We trade our Core Strategy together, as a team. Together we trade better! Come join us! 📋 🅾🆄🆁 🆂🆈🆂🆃🅴🅼: Micro Traders: At the very essence, we are “bounce traders”. You see… with high certainty, we know where the price will bounce. We play the bounces. Sometimes the bounces are counter-trend, and sometimes with the trend. Personally, I love “With The Trend” trades. They offer lots of juice for the squeeze. 🎳 🅼🆈 🆂🅾🆄🆁🅲🅴🆂: Our System Is A Combination of: * Cotton: His information is central. Watch every video 2-3 times! Cotton wrote "the book" - I trade it with ES/MES. I highly recommend to my traders to watch ALL of Cotton's videos and join his Discord. Heck, join his mentorship if he still offers it. Then, IF you are interested in trading with some MES/ES traders using Cotton + Market Profile + some ICT Concepts, join our trading room. LINK TO COTTON VIDEOS: (I watched them ALL 3X plus joined his mentorship for a time) * ICT (2022 Mentorship, specifically. He is a madman!) * Market Profile (Shadowtrader, Paul Asmar from CamelBack trading, Dalton). I combined these three systems to create a complete scalping strategy. Interested to join a trading group that uses this philosophy? Blog: I am NOT a financial adviser. I do not promise ANYTHING but some education. I do not guarantee results. I don't know you from Adam - you might be as intelligent as a sack of rocks. Or over emotional like a scared cat while trading. I have NO CLUE if you can trade successfully. ONLY YOU know if YOU are coachable. Trading IS hard, emotionally speaking. Trading in a group HELPS! I will help guide you to start smart by starting small with a high-probability system. You will paper trade first until YOU feel ready to go to the next step. RISK NOTHING while learning this system. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must know the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. CFTC RULE 4.41 – HYPOTHETICAL OR SIMULATED PERFORMANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. SIMULATED TRADING PROGRAMS IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REPRESENTATION IS BEING MADE THAT ANY ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE PROFIT OR LOSSES SIMILAR TO THOSE SHOWN. Testimonials Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.

Strait Talk with Xiangyu


Dive deep into the Taiwan Strait, a pivotal battleground of the clash between Western hegemony and Eastern resistance, as well as the transition from a fading unipolar world to an emerging multipolar order. Uncover the complexities of cross-strait relations between Taiwan and mainland China, contextualizing them within the broader landscape of global politics. Gain a fresh perspective on Taiwan and beyond, distinct from what is typically portrayed in mainstream media.