Karen Whooley Designs Crochet Channel


Karen Whooley is an award-winning, internationally-known crochet designer, author, and instructor. She develops patterns and teaches classes for crocheters who want simplicity and elegance wrapped up in adventure. You can expect clear crochet lessons, fun product reviews, and sometimes a bit of fun background video of Karen in her studio or out on the road! 📚Teaching crocheters to embrace lace and fingering weight yarns. 🧶 Helping you grow beyond bulky yarn and Granny Squares. ✝️ 2 Tim 4:3-5

Os Pingos nos Is Verified


'Os Pingos nos Is' - Opinião Sem Medo! O programa 'Os Pingos nos Is' revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia. Focado em abordar os temas de um modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta, no qual vale ouvir a opinião e os comentários de cada apresentador e também de ouvintes, 'Os Pingos nos Is' alcançou a liderança da audiência em seu horário de exibição no rádio, e é referência no Youtube. Além de todo o nosso arquivo de comentários, análises e entrevistas, estamos ao vivo de segunda a sexta, das 18h às 20h, aqui no canal, em toda a rede JP AM e FM e também na TV JP News.

Strong By Design Podcast


We believe that you are Strong By Design and you were made in God's image to have a strong BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. You are listening to the #1 podcast in the world that shares expert advice from Team Critical Bench and expert guests from all over the globe in the Fields of Health & Fitness, Mindset and Entrepreneurship. Lets get ready to unlock your potential and transform your life in today's episode! To Book Coach Chris Wilson or Mike Westerdal on your show please go to: Guestio.com (see links below). https://www.strongbydesignpodcast.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/37JGBDEEJpXmudAv2p2Hwl