Rosa Disclosure


WE are the disclosure!... And the empowered creators of our beautiful galactic heart-centred future! This channel is for the truth seekers of the world and for anyone interested in UFO/ET disclosure. When researching this very complex topic, it is easy to get lost down rabbit holes, get caught up in the finer details and miss the bigger picture. My aim is to simplify things and help people connect the dots. It is not my intention to tell people what to believe or claim to be in possession of THE TRUTH, but rather share information that I have found to be enlightening and informative... and encourage you to get curious, do your own research, trust your inner voice and become your OWN investigator of truth. Disclosure is a collective effort and everyone has a small piece of the puzzle and something to offer. Three of the pioneers in the disclosure/truther movement whose work I follow are the extraterrestrial contactees Elena Danaan and Alex Collier and the exopolitics researcher Dr. Michael Salla. From them I have learned that we are currently in a secret war and humanity is finally winning!... The deep state is losing power now, the regressive ETs have gone and a great planetary shift is occurring! I highly recommend you research their work and I especially recommend the life-changing book 'The Seeders' by Elena Danaan. 🪐 It’s up to all of us now to let go of fear, hate and division and instead unite in love and common humanity. It's time to step into our true power and together manifest our beautiful galactic heart-centred 5D future! 🛸✨ We are ALL way more powerful than the psychopathic prison system has programmed us to believe. My friend, you are a lovable worthy powerful magnificent divine expression of life!!!! More people are awakening than ever before and we are currently in the most monumental time in the history of humanity! :) Spread the word! ❤️ Follow me, Rosa Disclosure, on X:➡️ Follow me, Rosa Disclosure, on Bitchute:➡️ Follow me, Step Into Your Power, on YouTube:➡️ My YouTube channel is called 'Step Into Your Power' and there you will find videos about healing, self-love and self-empowerment. I tried posting disclosure related videos on YouTube but as I kept getting shadow banned and some of my videos deleted, I am now posting disclosure related content on X, Rumble & Bitchute only.



As a Reiki Master and owner of my own modality Aurora Mistica (r). I enjoy the use of energy in helping put smiles around the world. I have been offering Remote Reiki Distance Healing online since 2001. I also love pretty much anything creative. Through the years I have been programming physical products remotely with Good Vibe Reiki and/ or Aurora Mistica (r). All my videos are imbued with distance healing energy. Some videos include visible as well as Subliminal Affirmations. I also design print on demand products which also are energetically enhanced.

Library of Gnosis


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king." Welcome initiate, this page was created to archive and spread Gnosis (Knowledge). On this page I will be uncovering our hidden history, and a vast variation of topics relating to just about everything. Science, Economics, Philosophy, Morality, Esotericism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism and everything within and without, and above or below. Join me as we journey into the unknown and explore occult (hidden) and sometimes purposely obfuscated knowledge.

Marc Bosserman


Marc Bosserman is a pianist, vocalist, composer, music producer. He performs often (10-20 times a week) int he Tampa Bay Area. He's been singing since he was 3 and playing the piano since he was 7. He performs songs that people love. He also has been producing music since 2007. His music has helped singers and songwriter reach more people and has been on Network and Independent TV and films. His goal is to make people happy. f fantastic songs! : ) And a big goal of making people REALLY happy whatever the gig. He also writes and produces - his own songs and songs for other singers and songwriters. Simple- Piano tracks or Vocals. Or even Help with Songwriting, Full Productions. Very capable pianist and vocalist. In a pop- jazz- soul- folk tradition. Covers of amazing songs and always his own stamp. He knows tons of Classic Rock. Emphasis on fun and cool. His original music tends to be Piano Driven, Singer-Songwriter Folk-pop!