Cornelia & G. Strand Verified


Cornelia & G. Strand - medborgarjournalister och patrioter. Vi stöttar Q och Trumps arbete med att rensa i träsket i Sverige och världen. Vi sänder live varje söndag kl.19.30 Tack för att ni stöttar vårt arbete: Strand: Swish +46701832701 Strand Paypal: Cornelia Swish: +46763055789 Paypal: Patreon: Följ oss i sociala medier: X

Southards Ranch


Here we will be posting updates of what we are learning to do on the ranch. I am learning from others via online to do food storage. I want to give a shout out of thanks to those who post videos about how to prepare food for long term storage. I have to adapt what I learn to my own device of use and I am so excited to learn this basic most important life lesson. These skills should had been taught to me as I was growing up but I did not have the traditional family lifestyle. I am teaching as I learn as well.