

Crazy 8 Moonshiners is a community effort and you will find multiple people openly contributing their ideas to this channel. We are dedicated to teaching others the art of home distillation and will be producing content on topics like how to get into the hobby, recipes you can try, techniques, safety procedures and potentially some controversial topics. Home distillation may not be legal in your area and we do not condone illegal activity. Please know the laws in your area before getting into this hobby.

Vincent Skinner / World Revival Ministries Verified


MINISTRY OVERVIEW World Revival Ministries — Vincent and Lisa Skinner have taken the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations since 1990. For over 33 years, touching peoples lives in over 35 nations of the world. MISSION -- World Revival Ministries has the same mission Jesus gave His disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit". Taking the saving, healing, delivering message and power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.



I am from Mississippi so have a "Southern" accent. Some like it and some don't. At this point in my life I can't change it (ha) so I hope you enjoy the videos anyway. We have put together these films in the hopes of allowing those who have a passion for "Documentaries" a chance to step back in time for a brief period. We are by no means professionals, but seeing through the eyes of an amateur is sometimes the best view. So sit back, let us drive and we will travel back to a time when some of these people walked the earth, and peek into the tragic events that made them who they were. P.S. We are trying to improve our videos as we make more. We are pretty much learning as we go. You should notice an improvement in the video and audio quality or at least we hope you do!

Author Sunshine Rodgers


Sunshine Rodgers is a Best Selling Author, Blogger, and Entrepreneur. Her books have been translated in Spanish and Portuguese and created into audio books. She spends her days writing fiction stories that capture the heart of the Savior and showcase the wonder of His love. Sunshine’s books have reached International notoriety as she uses her time to be a guest on media and print interviews, creating weekly original content on her blog and personally praying for her readers. Sunshine is married to her best friend, Travis and they live in Florida. Books by Sunshine Rodgers God The Father Jesus The Big Brother Holy Spirit The Best Friend: Amazon: Audiobook: Helpers: A Rescue Mission Amazon: Audiobook: Last Night, When I Prayed Amazon: Audiobook: The Characters Within Amazon: Audiobook: The Ring Does Not Fit Amazon: Audiobook: After You: A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby Amazon: Audiobook: This Is My Heaven Amazon: Audiobook: The Characters Within Amazon: Audiobook: Connect with Author Sunshine Rodgers: Twitter: @Writer_Sunshine Instagram: @AuthorSunshineRodgers Follow Sunshine on and Goodreads!

Moonshiner Garage

1 Follower

I have no idea what I am doing on YOUTUBE. I got tired of hearing it all the crazy success stories and said F it and started making content. I knew I had a few things going for me smoking hot wife ,nice shop, bad ass truck and a gift of the gab .I love doing race car shit with my race car friends. My wife is by my side the whole time and is also building a STREET mustang to play in . ALL budget builds trying to have fun. All motors built by Jack @ outlaw racing engines .Transmissions built by Goebel transmissions . Everything else was welded and put together by ourselves and friends. We also have a few friends that we consider on our team Randy has the red nova and Brandon has the gold one . They are LS TURBO deals and are not built on a budget!! We are in this deal to meet people enjoy life and have a great time . Hopefully make a little cheddar along the way.