AmericanMediaPeriscope247 Verified


American Media Periscope is an online news network providing deep dives, commentary and analysis in both video production and written articles. Live daily news broadcast featuring “Making Sense of the Madness”, with John Michael Chambers. Surveys indicate that people no longer trust the media for news, politicians for the truth, or that Wall Street has Main Street’s best interest in mind. American Media Periscope, informs and empowers individuals in a changing world. Americans, and people of this world are starving for truth. Be informed and empowered. Stay connected.

ShockedAqua's Gaming Channel


A channel for those of you who enjoy watching a music and gaming fan who is deep diving albums and playing games in RPG's, RTS's, or any other game that might look fun. I am just currently doing live streams and the VOD's of those streams will be up a few days after they were live. The current schedule for me streaming are in my discord channel. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment down in the comment section or head over to Discord to tell me what you think. If you feel like donating anything here is the link: