

MY Priorities are God, Family And Country! I pursue Truth and Justice! My Dad was in the Navy where he met my Mom from Kaneohe, Hawaii. He was also a Police Officer and Detective over 25 years. My Uncle Mat served in 3 World Wars! WW II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. That is where I got the desire for Freedom, Truth and Justice! Because of all the evil and corruption going on, I have made it a Mission to seek Truth and Justice for all People, especially since we are all getting blocked and deleted from all the corrupt social media, and the MSM. Countless hours are spent seeking truth in research, videos and research! We must stand up America, and fight for our rights and Justice! General Flynn tells us to get involved locally, and to stand up for our Civil and Constitutional rights. With Prayer and Determination, Patriots standing up, President Trump and the Military, AMERICA WILL BE THE BEST IT HAS EVER BEEN! The Great Awakening is here, March on Digital Soldiers, let's do this!!!!!!!!!! To purchase CD's go to the Donate Button and pay for them. $10.00 each & $ 4.00 Shipping!!!!!!!!! Bitchute Rumble Telegram Email



Welcome to Not My STAR WARS, where we talk about Disney, Disney Plus, and of course, STAR WARS. Dedicated to exposing the destruction of Luke Skywalker and STAR WARS by Disney. Disney has the resources and ability to respect the story and canon of the greatest film franchise in history, yet has chosen to disregard STAR WARS lore and fans. We grew up with Disney and STAR WARS and loved them both, but Disney has blatantly insulted the fans and made a mockery of George Lucas. We are here to: 1) Remind everyone what STAR WARS is/was. 2) Call out Disney for ALL of their disrespect. 3) Share our stories and experiences of/with STAR WARS. 4) Show Disney that STAR WARS fans are not to be taken lightly. 5) Celebrate everything STAR WARS before October 30, 2012. 6) Unite TRUE STAR WARS fans. 7) Provide a New Hope. May the Force be with you, always!

Star Wars On Jesus


The War On Terror The War On Drugs The War On Covid Star Wars On Jesus.... Star Wars On Jesus or the Hidden Story In the 1st Trilogy, Episodes I, II and III are full of hidden symbolism. People do not realize or did not realize that they are actually bombarded with occultism and re-engineered biblical stories. This video, I produced, is thoroughly documented Bible, Talmud, footages... I would like to show you that the intentions of Georges Lucas were pretty clear, where he was going with some characters of the Episodes.I would describe Star Wars as anti-Jesus and Pro-Jewish. i would also Summarize the video as JUDAISM vs CHRISTIANITY Please take time to watch the movies I, II & III (6 hours Footage). You will be prepared to the evidences, I am going to show you, which are actually not so ‘HIDDEN’! Website: (Released soon) Patreon: Link: