Wake-Up America


After studying Bible prophecy for about 18 years, Larry Wilson founded Wake Up America Seminars in 1988 for the purpose of proclaiming Revelation's story. Larry's method for interpreting prophecy is unique in that he uses four self-evident rules found in the book of Daniel. These rules produce a matrix that consists of 17 prophecies -- 5 in Daniel and 12 in Revelation. When valid rules of interpretation are applied, valid conclusions are the result. Wake Up America Seminars is a non-profit organization and it is not affiliated nor endorsed by any religious body. Website: www.wake-up.org

Life Insurance Magic- How to Make it Work for You


No more worrying if you are paying too much. Or if you have enough coverage. Or even if you have the right products. You can finally feel comfortable and confident about your life insurance coverage.I have spent most of my life in the life insurance business. I grew up in my father’s general agency, and have been selling the product full-time for over 30 years. I know that life insurance is a Magical financial product: It keeps families safe and secure. It protects businesses from severe disruption and devastating losses. It preserves estate assets. It infuses charities with cash. It creates wealth – with tax advantages and strong guarantees. But most men and women I meet don’t know that. That’s going to change 🙂. www.stevenkobrin.com

Sandeep Maheshwari


Sandeep Maheshwari is a name among millions who struggled, failed and surged ahead in search of success, happiness and contentment. Just like any middle class guy, he too had a bunch of unclear dreams and a blurred vision of his goals in life. All he had was an undying learning attitude to hold on to. Rowing through ups and downs, it was time that taught him the true meaning of his life. Watch Sandeep Maheshwari's NEW videos before everyone else on SMtv at https://sandeepmaheshwari.tv To know more, log on to www.sandeepmaheshwari.com

Caregiver Entrepreneurs Seminar Series


A special seminar series that will give Caregiver Entrepreneurs practical tips on managing your time, money, and emotions. Frank Dew is a certified Focal Point Business Coach, specializing In Caretaker Entrepreneurs. You know how hard it is to maintain a work / life balance when you are running a business? It's dramatically harder when you have caregiver responsibilities. You already have to meet the demands of employees, clients and vendors. Now you have to care for a parent, spouse, sibling, or child. From where can you get the time? The money? The emotional wherewithal?! Many, many entrepreneurs are faced with this dilemma. Yet as hard as it all is, many men and women have not only found the balance, but have succeeded in business far beyond their expectations. The impossible became possible. Business Coach Frank Dew has been their guide on this journey. Frank is a Certified Focal Point Business Coach, specializing in caregiver entrepreneurs. He will be my guest in a special seminar that will give caregiver entrepreneurs practical tips on managing your time, money, and emotions. Yes! Success in business is possible while giving your family the best care possible.