Bear Creek Arsenal Verified


The Bear Creek Arsenal Rumble gun channel provides helpful video demonstrations of BCA uppers, optics, and other AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 products. Get ready to learn how firearms are manufactured (right here in North Carolina), shot safely, and used to do really fun things. While demonstrating our products we always practice proper safety techniques. Subscribe for new videos weekly! The AR platform is a staple of American freedom and liberties that we believe every American shooter should afford to own. Bear Creek Arsenal offers phenomenal value, quality, performance, and technical support on 100% American-Made Firearms. Follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter for 10% off your first order on!

StarSeeds of Freedom!


Claiming freedom in a world designed to enslave you. Interviews & discussions with fascinating people on what freedom means and how to find it for yourself. See Carrington's music videos on YouTube: Stream Carrington's music on Spotify: Find Carrington on X: @lunadewdrop Donate to StarSeeds, a humanitarian project:

Relaxing Music 432 Hz by Stellas Starseeds


Hello beautiful soul! You can find here my music and videos, which I produce myself. I love peaceful and relaxing music and beautiful nature videos, also fantasy and abstract forms and shapes! I create my music in Logic Pro and my videos in Premiere Pro. Effects are made with After Effects and Plotaverse. You can subscribe to my channel here or follow me on Instagram for more inspirational content or follow me on Spotify to listen to my music (also as "Stellas Starseeds" on many other platforms) Find your inner peace and be happy!

Build Your Arsenal


Welcome to Build Your Arsenal! I review firearms and accessories from my that I have thoroughly researched, spent time with at the range, and purchased out of my own pocket that you should consider adding to your collection. Each video considers reasons you should include that specific firearm to your arsenal (or why that accessory will improve your arsenal). Whether you're just getting started with firearms, you're a collector, or you're a protector, Build Your Arsenal will give you one more justification for making that next purchase. Support Gun Owners of America at Help support us:

The grounded starseeds


Many more videos on my YoutTube channel "The grounded starseed". Here is just a selection. Intuitive artist, iconographer, transmitter and traveler Who is Mokusho Abigaëlle Richard? As a starseed soul, intuitive artist, iconographer, transmitter, collage artist and travel photographer, my soul purpose is to share my higher self connection and spiritual intuitive guidance in the form of a reading or Creative Intuitive Transmission with meaning (iconography), high vibration words and artwork as an original art collage of Japanese art style washi chiyogami paper (normally used for origami). It also takes the form of color and black and white photo digital files of travel, nature, landscape, animal, urban, architecture and b&w photography. Both are for sale as wall art in my art shop and their creative process and inspiration is discussed in blog posts of my website. They are also shared as videography on “The grounded starseed” Youtube channel, to offer you high frequency art.

Lars Enarson


Lars Enarson, a native of Sweden, has been an author and Bible teacher with a prophetic voice since the 1970’s. Lars is the founder and president of the Watchman International (, a ministry dedicated to “prepare the way for the Lord.” He is based in Israel, teaching and mobilizing prayer for Israel by way of Seminars, books, and TV-programs. Ariel Media is a unique, indie publishing house with Scripture-based media about prayer, Israel, and Jewish-roots ( Ariel Media is a publishing ministry of the Watchman International. In 2018, Lars started the prayer movement for Nordic countries that is now Norden 7:14 ( #Sweden714 #Norden714



Dogs suck. Dog people suck. Yes, all of them. Rolling Stones are a terrible band with a misshapen big-headed-ape as a singer that dances like a sissy. Apes are supposed to be strong you stingy armed shrimp of a man Mick. Glamtera is infinitely better than Phil’s Pantera. Johnny Cash is crap & so are each & every person that likes him. I wouldn't even tell AC/DC that they were good for a garage band. The Talking Heads is for blow-hard nerds. Rap sucks, hope that doesn’t need to be said. Nirvana is for emo queers. The Beatles suck and Lead Zeplin(not googling how to spell it)... not a fan. This is the home of obscure Thrash-Metal, Glam-Metal. Syth-Pop and some Sissy Rock. This page is basically a WASP fan-cite. Don’t make my love a crime. Best Music Ever --- Best Official Music Videos Ever --- Great Music Ever 2 --- You don't watch all of these, you fuckin' lose - Now That's What I Call Music Vol 3 --- Real Videos I Did With Me in Them --- Other Music That Exists ---

Sargento Fahur Oficial


Sou o Gilson Cardoso Fahur, Natural de Londrina - PR, por 35 anos atuei como policial militar rodoviário. Fui integrante da ROTAM da 4ª Companhia da Polícia Rodoviária Estadual do Paraná, na cidade de Maringá. Me tornei nacionalmente conhecido pelo sucesso nas operações que liderei e também pela linha dura em minhas atuações como policial militar rodoviário, realizei grandes apreensões de entorpecentes que ganharam o noticiário local e nacional. Também me tornei notório pelas declarações enérgicas contra criminosos em entrevistas a reportagens jornalísticas que viralizaram pelas redes sociais, particularmente aquelas contra o narcotráfico. Eu Sargento Fahur sou contra a legalização das drogas, a favor da pena de morte e defendo o direito da população civil a ter posse e porte de armas. Força e Honra !