Cannabis Health Radio Podcast


Hosted by Corrie Yelland & Ian Jessop, Cannabis Health Radio, a weekly podcast, gives a voice to those who have healed themselves or a loved one with medical cannabis by hearing their stories, as well as accounts from medical professionals, many people have been given hope learning they have options for treatment. Website: Support: No rude content, no selling, no links to CBD etc. websites, only to scientific research or other testimonial! Disclaimer: The content found on this YouTube channel is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure disease. We strive to make the information on this youtubechannel as timely and accurate as possible, we makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this Rumble channel. We suggest working with a medical practitioner or / and under adult supervision for any serious health issues.

Cannabis Garden


📺Subscribe for garden updates, educational content, grow challenges and strain reviews! ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ I love gardening so feel free to follow along and track my progress. I also upload instructional and educational content. Sometimes I participate in fun and exciting grow challenges like the 16oz beer cup challenge! & For viewers that just want more information on specific strains, check out my strain reviews! If any of that sounds interesting, consider subscribing! I\\\\\\\'d love for you to join my channel and follow along. Liking my videos is GREATLY appreciated and subscribing is always free. Drop a comment so I can check out your grows as well! I\\\\\\\'m interested in connecting with like-minded people so let\\\\\\\'s"grow this community!🌲🚿

Everything Cannabis


Welcome to Everything Cannabis where we talk about EVERYTHING CANNABIS. For decades there has been an unfair stigma placed on this magical plant, which lead to many missed opportunities in helping educate people around the world. At Everything Cannabis, we believe patients deserve to know the truth. Our goal with this channel is to help provide education and share stories of individuals who have experienced the healing effects of this plant. As a team, we want to assume we don't know anything, so we are looking forward to diving deeper and deeper into the mysterious and lesser-known world of cannabis. If you're in the cannabis space or have experienced incredible benefits from cannabis, we’d love it if you’d share them with us in the comments section. For more information, visit us at, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Ufologia gli Anunnaki Torneranno


Nella mitologia sumera il termine Anunnaki (o Anunnaku), ossia "figli di An", indica l\'insieme degli dèi sumeri. Essi erano costituiti in un\'assemblea, presieduta da An, dio del cielo. Tale assemblea si componeva dei sette supremi, di cui facevano parte i quattro principali dei creatori (An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag), con l\'aggiunta di Inanna, Utu e Sin e di 50 dei minori, detti anche Igigi.Secondo Zecharia Sitchin gli Annunaki sarebbero degli alieni provenienti da Nibiru, un pianeta del nostro sistema solare. Secondo questa tesi avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civiltà umana e in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori di Nibiru, sin dall\'antichità, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. All\'inizio furono inviate delle sonde automatiche per verificare l\'abitabilità del nostro mondo. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita più vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione umana capeggiata da Enlil, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell\'Indo e la Mesopotamia